View Full Version : Citalopram should i take

09-03-16, 09:49

I have had anxiety on and off, this time its pretty bad, i thought i had recoeved but then a dodgy mole i got removed made me anxious and now i think i have every disease going, here are my symptoms

feel like im walking on a boat
bad balance
worried family members will die
worries about terrorists
feel dizzy
numb feeling in left arm and leg sometimes, feels weak but isnt clinically weak
sense of dread
hard to get out of bed
never want to go out with friends
chest pains
muscle tremors and trem,or in temples

does anyone else have all these ?

i was prescribed Citalopram but im scared to go onit because im already overweight and dont wnat to add any, if i take this drug but workout really hard and eat well should i still lose weight ?

09-03-16, 10:12
classic symptoms of Anxiety. the citalopram can help. wouldn't worry about the weight change, it doesn't do that to everyone. Nothing to lose trying the med

09-03-16, 10:15
thanks, yes i know just i have never had this weakness in left arm from time to time , i do have a flat foot on left foot and i think thats causing weakness in leg and numbness but god knows

also when i type in work i find i make errors a lot, i do realise the error and correct it but sometimes its just jumbled, like i know what keys i want but i hit the one next to it, anyone else do that ?

have you taken that medication before ?

my dioc said there are no side effects apart from maybe getting a bit hot but when i look online there seem to be lots

09-03-16, 11:21
I have taken it, side effects vary for person to person, so hard to say what if any you may have

09-03-16, 11:33
did it help you ?

09-03-16, 12:00
no, but has helped loads other folk on here. These meds are very individual, what works for some wont work for everyone

09-03-16, 12:38
As said, every one of those Symptoms (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms) can be attributed to anxiety. You'll find every one in the link. You're certainly not alone! Look at the bottom of your thread and you'll see some additional threads like yours and a search will yield pages and pages of similar threads.

Treat the root of the problem (anxiety) and you also treat the symptoms. Traditional methods like therapy and/or meds are still the gold standard. Meds an be a fickle thing. Some work. some don't, some get side effects, some won't. You won't know util you try but the way I see it is... What have you got to lose?

Hope you feel better soon!

Positive thoughts

10-03-16, 08:45
I completely recommend it!

I too had physical symptoms really badly like dizziness, numbness, slurring my words, not being able to speak, heart palpitations plus more

I've been taking it for 4 months, it's brilliant for dealing with the physical symptoms anxiety brings on . I've previous tried multiple other medications that made no difference.

10-03-16, 10:04
Do u feel happier moomin ?? I'm currently on week 2 and waiting to feel benifits I'm struggling to get how I'm going to feel more positive and happy

10-03-16, 10:52
Takes time Beckie, I had to wait near on 8 weeks for me to notice difference

10-03-16, 11:22
And how do u feel ?? I cant wait to feel care free and less anxious do they really work are u glad u took em

10-03-16, 12:25
they worked for about 3 months, but then failed. But others have been on them for years with great results, AD's affect everyone differently

10-03-16, 13:34
How did u feel whilst on them did u feel happier less anxious

10-03-16, 13:44
less anxious and more relaxed

21-03-16, 12:23
hi, did you put on weight with them ? i really need to lose 3 stone and i cant afford to put on weight or being unable to lose it even though i will be working out and eating healthy