View Full Version : Venlafaxine vs Citalopram

09-03-16, 14:31
Hi, it's been a long time since I was last on here (which is a good thing I suppose) Anyway, things have been on a downwards spiral for me for the last 6 or so months resulting in me having a bit of a psychotic episode which means I've been signed off work. I have been in contact with my GP and diagnosed with depression (again) Initially I refused a ref to mental health services for professional reasons however my GP is unable to prescribe the medication she thinks most suitable (venlafaxine) she prescribed citalopram but after taking it for 3 days I could no longer stand the side effects. I have been prescribed it before for mild depression but I'm sure it didn't make me feel that poorly. Feel like I've shot myself in the foot a bit. I have been left unsupported feeling very low, anxious, have no motivation and I'm really struggling.

What I'm asking is what are peoples views/experiences of citalopram and venlafaxine? Should I just grin and bear the citalopram or wait for the venlafaxine?

Thanks in advance

---------- Post added at 14:31 ---------- Previous post was at 12:13 ----------


09-03-16, 14:47
I can only comment on the Citalopram. I did 9 days of sertraline after having really, really bad anxiety and intrusive thoughts. I couldn't handle the side effects so was switched to 10mg Citalopram.
I was very tearful for the first week & had quite severe headaches, teeth grinding, tiredness. By week 3 I noticed I felt a lot better. I've been on them for a month and just been advised to stop them by my GP because they're making me very depressed - but for helping me with my anxiety I cant really fault them. I have been able to function like a normal human being on them & live a relatively normal life. I know a lot of people experience depression & numb feelings on them but feel like it's wortj it in exchange for not having that crippling anxiety. For me I've decided to risk it because I hate feeling numb, but if my anxiety gets as bad as it was then I would start back on them & learn to live with that feeling.
Everyone told me to take them in the morning but there's no way I could tolerate the effects through the day so I took them about 8pm. They did interfere with my sleep & I was prescribed zopiclone to help for a couple of days, but I feel like that started to pass by week 4.

09-03-16, 14:53
Thanks for your reply :) My anxiety has subsided after months or running on empty and just thinking I could cope and has been replaced by depression so I think the Venlafaxine is more for my mood. I just couldn't hack the side effects even after 3 days on the citalopram. It's driving me crazy that I've just been left waiting, it's not fair. I've found myself ringing the Drs only to keep getting the same answer.