View Full Version : Really down at the moment

09-03-16, 13:32
Hi, I have suffered from health anxiety for over 30 years. Now that I am older and my risk of getting a serious illness increases, my HA seems to be spiralling out of control. I have a constant churning stomach and worry all the time. Either about my own health or that of my children and grandchildren. I constantly seek reassurance from my family and GP. I have had various counselling in the past, but of little help to me. I am now taking 10mg propranolol 3 times a day for my palpitations and in the hope that it will ease the anxiety. Although it has helped with the palps, my anxiety is still through the roof. I have now been prescribed 10mg of citalopram to be taken once a day in addition to the propranolol. I am praying that this medication will work, only on day 3 so I've a little while before I see any benefits.
It would be nice to hear from anyone else suffering like me and who can possibly give me some reassurance please. I would prefer not to hear anything negative as I just can't deal with any extra worry at the moment.
Thank you for taking the time to read my post xx

09-03-16, 14:13
Hi Mary.

Sorry to hear about your anxiety, i am in the same spot as you at the moment, i'm only 24 years old but i have been recently diagnosed with Health Anxiety, and every little twinge and bump is sending my anxiety out of control. I'm currently on my 4th week of Citalopram and my anxiety seems to come and go now. It takes about 4-6 weeks before you start to feel the positives of Citalopram. It might be worth asking your GP for an increased dosage if it carries on past that. It's gotta get worse before it gets better. At least that's what i've been telling myself!

The stomach churning could well be being fed by your anxiety. And thus the vicious circle goes on. You worry about it. It causes it. You worry more, it gets worse. Anxiety is a bitch. And it likes to manifest itself in physical ways too. Give the citalopram time to work and it should ease off.

Best of luck x

09-03-16, 20:05
Thank you for your comments Aleman, I really appreciate your kindness. I'm sorry that you too are suffering. Yes, my GP told me it would take 4/6 weeks for the full affects of kick in and that I could feel slightly more anxious before I start to feel better. My sister, who suffers badly with HA too, has been taking citalopram for nearly 10 years now and she is so much stronger now and doesn't worry anywhere near as much as she used too. She takes 20mg per day. Let's hope the medication does for same for us. Take care x