View Full Version : So scared of pancreatic cancer.. Please help

09-03-16, 16:22
21 year old female-I'm sorry to bug you guys but I'm freaking out. I have been experiencing weight loss but not a ton I'm very overweight and can't really diet right now because I'm pregnant but I haven't changed my eating habits and I've lost 6-7 pounds in a couple weeks. I just can't seem to keep weight on anymore and I'm weak and overly tired for the last couple of weeks also.. The last week I've had very light colored stools not clay colored but very light. Brown. Almost yellow? And I've had upper abdominal pain in right and left side- just an ache not terrible pains and it lasts for not even a minute and goes away. I had my glucose tolerance test yesterday and the result came back at 101 which to me sounds awfully low and low results can mean pancreatic tumors or liver problems! ;( I'm so scared and don't know what to do. I guess I'll make an appointment with my ob but she probably won't believe me. The last thing I'll mention is I had a ct of abdomen in December of 2014 and it was normal.. How likely is it that I'd have pancreatic cancer pop up within that time?

09-03-16, 16:44
Not likely and extremely unlikely at your age. Could be as simple as IBS...

09-03-16, 17:29
I went through similar symptoms recently and these have been going on for a long while, if you want to read about the ending:


Basically your chances of having pancreatic cancer at your age are negligible. At my age (25), they're like 0,0004%, at yours it would be half of that, 0,0002%. You're like 5 times more likely to be struck by lightning and die, than to get pancreatic cancer at 21 yo.

It's not going to happen trust me.

10-03-16, 07:13
Thank y'all I just can't seem to get the worst case scenario out of my head this all just started recently and it's painful and I'm so scared.. I've had my sgot and alt liver blood test and it was normal.. I'm just really concerned about my weight yoyoing like it is like some days i will be down 4 pounds from a couple days before and then I eat and it keeps it from going any lower but it slowly keeps going down it seems and I'm 22 weeks pregnant so this shouldn't be happening. I don't even have loss of appetite but I don't usually eat 3 meals a day.. Like today I had more than I usually eat and my weight hasn't changed. Sometimes I don't eat breakfast or lunch but then eat a big dinner so I thought that would balance it out?

10-03-16, 09:33
When you say "you eat", how much do you mean? I'm not a doctor but I did work as a nutritionist for a couple of years.

What is your daily calorie intake? If you don't know exactly, you can just tell me as an example what you ate yesterday, including all meals.

A lot of times people think they eat enough but in reality they're eating a lot less than their body needs.