View Full Version : update on weird mole..

09-03-16, 16:34
ive posted alot about this mole, with it being 2 different colours ( a dark circle inside a light mole) well i finally went to the derm after missing 2 appointments because i was so scared to go, its turned out to be nothing to worry about. well she wants to see me again in 4 months to see if it changes but i feel fine about it. she said theres nothing about it that worries her. its made me see i have to stop making myself ill with worrying. if i was to be diagnosed with cancer today ive spent the last 5 years worrying and thats the last 5 years waisted! hoping i can stay in this state of mind:)

09-03-16, 16:57
Great news and I'm happy to hear it! Keep it up!!