View Full Version : new member

09-03-16, 20:59
Hi everyone. I'm new here. I'm a classic "cyberchondriac", and constantly am diagnosing myself on the internet.

My latest issue is that I have developed a thick yellow coating on the back of my tongue. I can brush it away but it comes back.

I'm a smoker, coffee drinker and have sinus problems, so I know this could be it, but, of course, I'm jumping to all the worst conclusions---cancer, HIV, hepatitis, etc.

I've also had some stomach trouble to go along with it, but I have IBS, as well as chronic anxiety. I'm going to the doctor again tomorrow, but he's getting tired of seeing me. I'm such a mess, I don't know what's real and what is the anxiety. I see a counselor but beginning to think I need to see a psychiatrist. I'm on cymbalta for anxiety and depression but thinking I need to be on something else.

Anyone else ever had these symptoms? Could they be anxiety-related?
Thanks everyone.

09-03-16, 21:32
As a smoker and heavy tea drinker and a sufferer of poorly sinuses I definitely have the same symptoms and can be caused by irritation of the tongue - could also be a touch of thrush - nothing to be worried about x