View Full Version : Resistance was not futile

09-03-16, 21:35
Hi all,

I was diagnosed with asperger syndrome and co-morbid ADHD, and have begun treatment with Strattera (25mg), which has made an incredible difference.

My anxiety scores on the GAD chart have dropped from 20 to 8, which is a drop from Severe to Mild. This is due to extensive self-help as well as the medication. I am far more capable in nearly every aspect of life, as I can now focus and maintain concentration. It's like my IQ has doubled. I am learning how to cope with my own emotions now the Strattera has unlocked them, and am relying on some very good friends to help me adapt to life.

While I'm having woman trouble like you wouldn't believe, which has actually been pretty traumatic, I am now capable of holding down friendships and romantic relationships, and am steadily building a new life.

Tomorrow I begin as a volunteer working with children who want to write creatively. My only prior experience of this is (and I quote from my application) "being used as a human climbing-frame by the children of ex-girlfriends and female colleagues".

Oh, and as for my horrible intrusive thoughts, I kicked their backsides and now they rarely trouble me.

It's been a lot of work, and I've had some genuinely frightening experiences with women in which my life was in danger, but it's been worth it to come this far, considering what a state I was in a year ago!

09-03-16, 21:38
You have no idea how happy I am to read your post, apart from the woman trouble.

Its amazing to hear what a difference the correct diagnosis and meds has done, along side your undoubtedly hard work.

Fantastic to hear from you and I hope you continue to develop and grow in confidence.


09-03-16, 22:03
Hi Elen, thank you for replying so quickly :D

This may sound arrogant (which isn't the intent!) but I've found women seem to either adore me or want me dead. I'm trying to adapt my behaviour so my relationships aren't so intense/inappropriate.

Being very social, as I've started doing, is difficult, as I often come away shaking, feeling sick and having thunderous negative thoughts. I've learned how this works and am working on fixing it with good results.

I've been on nights out and I started getting quite a bit of female attention, as I have worked on my appearance (cool clothes, cool haircut) and I am now actually looking at people instead of at the floor. But I'm not ready to get it on with someone I don't know and I still can't look strangers in the eye yet. So opportunities are passing me by. Again, I'm working on it.

10-03-16, 08:49
I'm really pleased that you are doing so well. I know how hard it is socially with Asperger's-I have 2 adult children on the spectrum- and my son often wishes that there was a rule book to life, especially with the laydeez!:DThe eye contact aspect is also very challenging but you sound as if you've really made excellent progress. I'm glad the Strattera has proved so successful too.