View Full Version : Brain tumor fear

10-03-16, 01:33
For the past week or so I've been having bad headaches, sometimes in my whole head, sometimes in the top left temple area behind my eyes, or sometimes in the back, also feel a lot of pressure in my head and my right eyelid has been twitching really frequently.
Another thing is, I've had tinnitus for about 2 years now, and I never got it checked because I assumed it was for listening to music too high. Now I'm thinking this could also be a symptom :weep:

I went to an eye doctor today, I told him about the headaches and the eye twitch. He checked me for my myopia and also did other tests. He said my eye pressure was fine and the eye twitch was probably stress, but I read that to check inside your eye and see, for example, your optic nerve they have to dilate your pupils, which he didn't do!! he just gave me some anesthesia drops to check my eye pressure, but not dilating drops. I'm thinking he just didn't see everything :weep: This anxiety is killing me

10-03-16, 08:56

Don't worry, I get these feelings all the time!! I went to the doctors twice last week convinced that I had a brain tumour, they did all the checks on my eyes and blood pressure and came to the conclusion that it was a tension headache! I wanted a ct scan but he said it was pointless which worried me more because I want a definite answer! I think the symptoms of a brain tumour are more prominent but I completely get what your going through! It's so scary! Xx

10-03-16, 08:58
I understand your fears I too have been experiencing frequent headaches for nearly a year now more so in the the back of my head I'm terrified it's a bleed well this is what my irrational thoughts are telling me .I've had an eye test a lot of opticians now days take a scan of the whole eye which shows up everything thank goodness all is clear.
Your headaches sound like symptoms of a migraine do u take anything for them?I've been keeping a diary of mine and what stress I'm under to see if there's a connection.Try not to worry maybe have a chat with your Dr