View Full Version : HA up again :-( Night sweats

10-03-16, 09:29
After some temporary relief, I'm back in 'the zone'.

Woke up sweating last night, nothing 'drenched through' but everything damp, PJs and sheets. (Not my head/hair tho? Odd) Not enough to get up and change but enough to be a bit uncomfortable. Not for the first time in the last week either.

I'm on antibiotics for an apparent infection which caused my eye and a gland on my neck to swell, both have reduced now but not gone. Antibiotics until Saturday night. (First night of sweating was last Friday, the day before I started the anti biotics) Aside from residual swelling tho I feel fine now.

The main triggers for my anxiety just recently were resolved earlier in the week. (Husbands medical tests clear)

So how come I'm having horrible night sweats. :-( the infection fight should be about over. The stress has reduced. I just ended my period so it shouldn't be that?

Sorry and Thanx


10-03-16, 13:29
Not coping today, and it was all going so well :-(

10-03-16, 13:50
Sorry I can't be much help but I too fear I've been having 'mild' night sweats since December so I know how worrying it is. Mine don't cause me to feel damp, but I've been waking up almost nightly feeling ridiculously warm and slightly sticky. I have to wear a t shirt to bed now (I usually wear a pj hoody) and only have a 7.5tog blanket. I just don't understand it.

10-03-16, 14:05
Hate it, I felt like my bed was the one place I could run away too and make it all go away.... Now it follows me there too!


10-03-16, 14:24
I've sweated the past two nights. Idk if it's just me getting hot I sleep with a sheet and a down cover. But always have fan on me. The temp has raised some past few days here too. Last night I had to remove my shirt it was wet so was the covers.

10-03-16, 14:59
I get these a lot when I'm stressed and also at the time of the month. I have had a few blood tests because of it, but they have all come back clear. I find the more stressed I get about them, the more I get them!

10-03-16, 19:14
Maybe it is that I might be fighting an infection, maybe its to do with the strongish antibiotics Im on......

...........maybe its the new duvet (please don't think I'm stupid and its obviously this.... I didnt even make that connection until a little earlier.... really don't feel like its this and my Husband isn't having this issue.... if I read someone else type that I would say OMG, its clearly that.... but I don't think it is)
