View Full Version : Somatoform disorder manifesting physical symptoms.

10-03-16, 10:04
Hello All,

I've had a visual jumbled up dazed feeling for around 4 years, when it started it lasted for just a few seconds and nowadays it lasts all day on and off.

Its really bad and i can't concentrate or focus on things properly.

Ive had a number of examinations from doctors: General practitioners, Neurologist x 2, Cardiologist, ENT Doctor, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, had an MRI & my eyes have been tested a number of times (20/20).

All these doctors have told me my issues are due to anxiety and I've been labelled with a general anxiety disorder.

It seems pretty clear now that this visually jumbled up dazed feeling is self induced, I expect it to happen, I get worried about it and due to the worry and anxiety it does actually happen - when it happens I feel pretty ill and its a massive vicious cycle.

The help I need is to break out of this vicious cycle, how do I stop myself expecting it to happen?

Im currently on Venlafaxine XL 150mg, previously with no success been on citalopram, lofepramine, beta blockers & amitriptyline.

There's not much doubt in my mind that the visually jumbled up/dazed sensations are a psychosomatic/somatisation/somatoform disorder of some form but some days I'm still having problems accepting this and even when I do fully believe its in my head I just don't know how to defeat it and this beats me up further.

Really hope someone has experience with this and can help.


10-03-16, 11:16
I have this a lot and it's been my worst symptom lately. I don't really have an answer, other than that in the past when I've had this medication has helped, and distraction is the best thing, but it's hard to achieve. I find that at the moment, mine is associated with certain places. The staffroom at work is the worst. It's big, bright and noisy, so every time I go in there I feel spaced out and dizzy. Now it has got to the point where I expect it and feel nervous just going up there and as soon as I get in there I get that dazed feeling, feel like I can't focus my eyes and can't concentrate on what anyone is saying to me. I don't want to start avoiding going in there, as that would be the slippery slope for me, I'll end up limiting myself to things that feel safe and those things could get fewer and fewer. The main issue for me is that I haven't had any scans or anything so I have no reassurance. I do hope you ffeel better soon x