View Full Version : havnt had a good day for ages now

10-03-16, 10:21
I guys.i havnt posted for a while now because i wanted to have time away from the forum to see if it helps me ..well im fedup right now because i havnt had a good day for quite a while now.im waking feeling very flat and anxious every day and spending my days avoiding people so i dont have to talk to anyone as i feel constantly agitated and pissed off with my life..when i cut down my olanzipine a few months ago i started to have good days and nights and good parts of days.i thought the cut down on this med was alowing my old self to come through.but several weeks ago thats all stoped and i fell as crap as i did when i was on the full dose..im due to drop this med again now as iv been on the last reduction for 2.5 months now.but worried ill feel worse

10-03-16, 10:51
why are you having to reduce med, does it not help?

10-03-16, 11:14
No they didnt..olanzipine has a high risk of developing Diabitis and i gained 4 stone in weight being on them..so my doctor adviced me to come off them..i only took it as a sleep aid but feel it never helped with anxiety or depression.when i first started to cut down 4 months ago i had many good days throughout the reduction so felt they were holding me back and i was on the road to recovery.but last few weeks now just feel shit

10-03-16, 11:18
How are you spending your days, Greg? Have you made any progress job-wise or are you concentrating on voluntary work at the charity shop still?

10-03-16, 11:30
Hi pulsia..yes im back in the shop but just two days a week as i just cant cope with people much anymore.im faced with interacting all day and am finding it very hard to deal with...i still have 5 days with no plans to myself..im spending to much time in my own company in front of the tv..im still looking for full time work if the right job is out there but dont know if ill manage in full time employment..just dont understand why i had these good days at the begining of my meds reduction

10-03-16, 11:34
have you tried any other meds?

10-03-16, 11:45
In the past i did..SSR's ..didnt work for me at all.bad side effects..im on 200 mg trazadone to which iv been on for 3 years now..my doctor wont try me on anything eles till i come off these meds

10-03-16, 12:24
how is the trazadone going for you?

---------- Post added at 12:24 ---------- Previous post was at 12:21 ----------

I can total relate to SSRI's not working, I've tried 3 and had no joy, also venlafaxine and Lofepramine and found no help. Paying for a private assessment now with a psychiatrist as he can prescribe drugs my GP cannot

10-03-16, 13:01
Trazadone never helped for my depression.only helped with my sleep so my plan is to come off this to this year.i want to be drug free to see how i feel without them..be interesting to know how your private help goes good luck with that

10-03-16, 13:09
Trazadone never helped for my depression.only helped with my sleep so my plan is to come off this to this year.i want to be drug free to see how i feel without them..be interesting to know how your private help goes good luck with that

the waiting times to see a psychiatrist on NHS was just ridiculous. I'm not rich by any means, but £250 for a private assessment and treatment plan should be money well spent.....if helps my issues that is

10-03-16, 13:24
I think it will be a very good investment,shiznit.

10-03-16, 13:34
I think it will be a very good investment,shiznit.

really hope so, been blighted with this for years and doc just kept changing SSRI's, and had me doing CBT. These have their place, but did nothing for me

10-03-16, 14:19
Hope it works out for you shiznit..wish i had the money to try something eles

10-03-16, 14:20
It is a terrible system though that it has came to me having to pay to get help that should be available to all much quicker

10-03-16, 14:27
It is a terrible system though that it has came to me having to pay to get help that should be available to all much quicker

Agreed. Keep us posted how you get on with the private route.

10-03-16, 15:31
Will do.

sorry for hijacking your thread Greg

10-03-16, 21:33
No probs..good luck

11-03-16, 07:19
Hi Greg, I'm sorry to hear you are having a rough time again.

Has this happened because you dropped your dose? Just wondering if it's happened because you increased by mistake, and felt bad until you realised, and then you dropped it again? The drop would have been steeper than when you initially did it as I recall it was 2 drops to get you there? So, maybe it is connected to this harsher drop and will level out?

11-03-16, 09:07
Hi terry..well iv been on this drop for 10 weeks now apart from that blip taking 5mg without knowing for a week or so..but re corected that drop a few weeks ago so not sure mate...i keep a diary in my phone each day and have had a couple of crap weeks mate...i slept well last night and dont feel so bad today so far.im due to drop the next dose monday.so will go ahead with that and see what happens..just want to get off this med to see how i feel underneath it all.then focus on coming off my trazadone through the year to see how i realy feel ...will take it very slow tho

11-03-16, 09:27
From what you are saying the last few crappy weeks have come after you spotted that issue and corrected it. So, a connection is possible?

You know how these meds are very powerful, you've seen how much they were stopping you feeling because you sounded much happier than you had been in ages. So, I think this could be because your dose messed you up because it double again and then you halved it when in the past you cut it down slower. It's perhaps just a load of upheaval.

Since you are having a better day today, maybe you are coming out of that? I hope so, you were doing so well. See how the next few days go and if you need to put your next reduction back a week or so, it's no biggie mate.

11-03-16, 12:34
Hi Greg, sorry to hear this, you were doing really well last time I read your posts. You have to believe that you will feel that good again, and better, because you will! You've been through so much hardship, be kind to yourself, eat healthily, drink lots of water and enjoy this beautiful day. You're doing really well, keep going it will be so worth it! C x

11-03-16, 13:09
Yea prob right terry...planing on giving up smoking in two weeks as everytime i smoke,my anxiety gets worse and my mood drops.im sure smoking is causing more mental health

---------- Post added at 13:09 ---------- Previous post was at 13:01 ----------

Thanks crystal..i do drink lots of water every day...allways...as i say to yerry i plan on giving up smoking in a couple of weeks.so im sure there will be more anxiety

11-03-16, 14:04
Wow that's great news Greg, only good can come from stopping smoking! So even though it may be hard for a while always think of the bigger picture, you are being kind to your body and your body will react eventually in a good way. Well done!

11-03-16, 14:33
Well i gave up last year and only lasted three days,but on day three i felt realy good inside.my anxiety had gone and my mood was good..but day 4,i was hit with heavy cravings and high anxiety and ended up smoking again..im convinced smoking and just having nicoten in my system spikes my mental health..i did have patches.so will give it a good go again.

11-03-16, 15:11
Smoking can interact with certain medications. Do you have a smoking cessation practitioner that could help you cut down/stop? Having something to work towards such as stopping smoking could help as a distraction too. Hope you're starting to feel better soon :)

11-03-16, 15:25
Thanks heaven .got a stop smoking clinic that i will see once a week...to keep a eye on things.

11-03-16, 16:54
Hy paul.iv tried this methord but couldnt get me under so didnt work.i know it works for others.i guess ill have to try the patches and sprays again..ill give it a good go

Catherine S
13-03-16, 20:54
Hi greg, You've done really well over the past 12 months...you still in your flat by the way? With the smoking thing, I gave up 15 years ago now but it was on my third attempt, and what did it for me in the end was one of the telly ads at that time said 'don't give up giving up' and that really stuck with me...even when seeing the inside of a smokers lungs didn't! Because psychologically people think if they don't give up the first or second time they're failures. So that kind of took the pressure off in a way.

I hope you find your way through again greg, you deserve to.
Take care