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10-03-16, 11:44
Discharge - have I aggravated my cervix?
I understand this is weird .

So I'm worried about spotting. I'm on the pill, have three day periods an typically spot two days after.

I shoved small bunches of tissue inside me yesterday as a make shift tampon and they came back clear. However this morning it's more of a creamy/yellow color. This isn't there when I wipe only when I put tissue up inside me on occasion (since last night). I worry ablut cervical cancer. I had a clear test 6 months back.

10-03-16, 12:04
Please don't put tissues up inside your vagina, only use products designed for that area:)
You won't aggravate your cervix with a tissue when you think what else can get banged against it!
You are not spotting, you have what sounds like a usual discharge which you can only find when putting tissues up your vagina. Maybe leave well alone and see what the discharge if any looks like when it comes out and if you get any itching or bad smell then go and have a swab done but othewise I don't see a problem.

10-03-16, 12:09
I guess this and a checking poo every time I went is a low moment ha. At least I can laugh about it... ����

10-03-16, 12:15
Mine can varey from cream to white to yellowy always has done.

10-03-16, 13:11
This sounds like perfectly normal discharge. Your discharge changes in consistency and color during different phases of your cycle due to hormones before, during and after ovulation. However, the yellow *can* mean infection. It's not abnormal to have a couple of days of yellow-ish discharge, but if it continues through your whole cycle, is very dark yellow, or is accompanied by any other symptoms such as odor, pain or itching, I'd make an appointment. Chances are that, even if it is an infection, it's a very mild one that can be easily treated.

10-03-16, 13:52
I've read the creamy description many times on sites telling you what is and isn't normal (creamy is). Sounds normal to me and I've had it too but if it's continuous or smells/itchy as others have said it could be an infection.

10-03-16, 14:42
Thanks for your replies. I also think tissue is yellow becAuse pee is (from vitamins - it's a thing)