View Full Version : psychiatric assessment

10-03-16, 12:34
Hi, I am going for a private psychiatric assessment next week and just wondered what to expect, has anyone got experience of these assessments and what happens at them?

10-03-16, 14:49
I can't help right now - I actually have an appointment in an hour! I've never been before either so I am absolutely terrified, but I'd be happy to drop by here after to tell you what happened. It might even make me feel better

10-03-16, 15:30
I can't help right now - I actually have an appointment in an hour! I've never been before either so I am absolutely terrified, but I'd be happy to drop by here after to tell you what happened. It might even make me feel better

Please do, that would be great

10-03-16, 18:15
Well, I made it through.

It wasn't really as bad as I was anticipating, I guess. He was very nice, which helped.

The appointment itself was very straightforward. He explained that he focused on the biological, medical side of things and that he'd ask me a bunch of questions. Then, he did. He asked me to tell him a little bit about what had been going on. He asked me what anxiety meant to me, to specify my low moods, if I had any history of self-harm, any suicidal thoughts, any intrusive thoughts or rituals, etc.

He essentially said I had anxiety. He explained that our frontal lobe controls impulse and reasoning, but our more instinctive, deeper part of our brains is what drives fight/flight and therefore anxiety. When we're faced with a threat, we react first and analyze later. However, having anxiety means that we are wound tighter than most so that reaction is set off more easily. He also explained that was why I was having trouble with CBT and rationalizing my thoughts - I just am not getting past the fear response to the place of rationalization most of the time.

So...he prescribed meds. He was surprised that I was only told to take my lexapro every other day, so asked me to take it daily - 10 mg. He said it might need to be increased, but it would be a start. To get me past the hump of initial anxiety he also prescribed a benzo (I don't remember which one).

I meet with him again in two weeks.

So...overall it was better than I thought. It was nice that the meeting was so structured because when I'm asked to tell what's wrong I often freeze and it's hard for me to accurately describe. Him asking specific questions helped.

I'm not thrilled about taking meds, or more meds I guess in my case. I'm kind of scared I guess but I know it's something I have to do. He did say that he'd take me off the benzo once I adjusted to the lexapro a bit more, and that I may eventually be able to come off that as well eventually. This is supposed to help me rationalize a bit better so that I can challenge my thoughts, I guess. Right now I'm in the place where I know what I'm thinking might be/is probably irrational but the panic comes anyway.

Best of luck to you when you go!

11-03-16, 08:00
Thanks Poppy, good to know it went well and not as bad as you were expecting

21-03-16, 11:11
Today's the day of my assessment, here's hoping all goes well

21-03-16, 12:47
Good luck and make sure you get your money's worth!

21-03-16, 16:38
Good luck!

22-03-16, 09:19
Was quite good to talk to someone for an hour rather than 5 min GP appointment. She has suggested adding a med to my escitalopram, but also will give my Dr other options to try if I still have no success. She was very good. Worth the £200

22-03-16, 14:14
Pleased you had a good outcome

22-03-16, 19:45
A psychiatric assessment is a very good thing, as it's your chance to speak to someone who knows what they're talking about. Psychiatrists are the only ones who can prescribe certain medications, they are qualified to diagnose psychiatric conditions and they can direct you on if you need further diagnosis or support.

23-03-16, 09:18
It was worth it, just a pity the waiting time on NHS was so long that I decided to go private though