View Full Version : How to beat overactive bladder?

10-03-16, 13:09
In the last 6 months I lost a job, got another job, found the stress overwhelming from pretty much the 1st week, eventually quit that job and got another.

All the while, I'm late for my yearly physical. And my wife's yearly mammogram is on my mind. 2 years ago she had a benign lump that scared the hell out of me and my HA has gone crazy with it ever since.

So, I was already edging towards a bad place about 3 weeks ago when it dawned on me that i would be without benefits for a month IOW my physical would be a month later.

Another month of waiting before I find out if I'm healthy. Its not that I'm sick, but I'm going to be 50 soon and all the stuff out there says illnesses increase as you "age" (and I'm not thrilled with the diminished functions that are part of aging)

As I was thinking all this, I started going to the bathroom and wondered "wow, with all the water I drink, how would I know if I was peeing too much"

And that was all I needed to become hyper aware of my bladder.

It started that day when I started peeing a lot, worrying it was too much, scared I wouldn't find out for a month and it finally stopped when I exercised.

Its happened 1 other time, and that was the day after I ate salty food and a bunch of tomatoes and drank a whole lot of water before I went to bed. The foods are bladder irritants and the next day I was peeing a lot ... until I exercised and was fine.

Thru it all though, there is an awareness of my bladder that I can't control. I'll be sitting there and "notice" it and not be able to stop noticing it.

How do I stop this?

I can be sitting there, just fine and all of a sudden I'm aware of the thing. Like I can feel it filling up and then the worry starts - "is this normal?" "is it too soon since I drank water last?" "my God what if I have prostate cancer/diabetes/bladder cancer/bladder stones/kidney stones/some other illness?" "how am I going to take time off work?" "what if I have to measure how much I pew and the office sees me carrying around a jug?"

Then the awareness will start. It will stop if I work out or get busy at work or get distracted.

What can I do to make it permanently go away?

BTW I have no other symptoms of anything. I don't leak, I don't get up in the middle of the night, I truly think this is overactive bladder brought on by stress.

I've also gone and restricted my water intake to 8 8oz glasses a day and tracked how often I go. Its well within the range of normal.


BTW, I have been diagnosed with OCD and take 60mg of prozac to control it. Much of my OCD is health related.

10-03-16, 13:57
You have answered all your questions yourself in the post:)

This is all in your mind, its obsessive behaviour rather than anything physically wrong. The more you drink the more you pee, thats normal.

I think your delayed medical is at the bottom of all this.

All I can say is nothing you have posted makes it seem as if you have any physical problem. Overactive bladders usually make someone go to the toilet every few minutes, my friend had one and went day and night every 15 mins and she actually would wet herself as the urge was so strong, she had tests, nothing wrong and takes a drug that dampens the nerve responsse down and is fine.

10-03-16, 14:06
country girl

Are you aware of any mental tricks that can be used to stop thinking about bladder sensations so much?

Because once I start, it can last for hours. Exercise or sleep can interrupt it, but I can only exercise and sleep one time during the day.

10-03-16, 17:07
I would guess that anything that totally concentrates the mind will stop you obsessing, this is something that can be useful when in pain as well.

Exercising would make your brain concentrate on something else which is why it works - is there something else you know you get engrossed in?

10-03-16, 22:31
Exercise is usually about it.

Work can be engrossing, but my wife wants to spend time with me so she doesn't want me working all the time.

I really am grateful for that.

Today was better than yesterday.

11-03-16, 11:49
here's one that i didn't realize ... sleep

yesterday night i was "aware" of my bladder. i sat down on the couch, nodded off and when i woke up, all awareness/sensation was gone