View Full Version : Worried about Ovarian C

10-03-16, 13:33
I know I Have HA and have worried about loads of things prior, but this feels different (Although doesn't every worry).
The main reason being that I have a gland or node on the right side of my groin that is bigger than the left side. Not just a tiny bit bigger. Also for about 3 weeks now I've had a dull ache in my lower back on the right side (or upper bum I can't tell which). Not every single day but at least half the days. It sometimes radiates down my leg although that's not that often.
My Mother had breast cancer last year and I know that and ovarian can be linked, so I'm really worried about it. I also had a few shooting pains where I think my ovary is in the days leading up to this achey feeling.

I can't get into the doctors for 2.5 weeks as they are absent, I had all intentions of going next week so have been able to keep my worry at bay, but now knowing I have to wait an extra 11 days, I just don't know how to keep my mind from wandering.

I never had the pain yesterday so it was relatively easy to get through the day without worrying (until I went in the bath and felt my gland that is), but today it's back again and I feel awful. Not as bad as I did when I was convinced I had Melanoma though, I recently had blood tests for inflammation and also to check red and white blood cells and all was fine and I'm hoping if I did have the big C, some of my results would be off.

Thanks for reading.

12-03-16, 23:23
Hi it seems that our mind will just give us neverending things to worry about, i have been having this abdominal pain(lower are) for a bout a month now, even went to the doctor and he gave me antibiotic for uti he said,and its been a week now and i finished the med but i still am having this discomfort and pain, and aside from that i have experienced so many changes in my bowel and bladder habbits plus bloating..and awhile ago i was reading a post about the signs of ovarian cancer and wooh ive seen my symptoms there...cant offer anything but i hope everything goes well for you and for me

13-03-16, 20:26
Could it be ovulation pains (round about mid cycle)? Also, the lower back and leg pain could be a bit of sacroilliac joint discomfort.