View Full Version : HA Official diagnosis

10-03-16, 16:09
So as a few of you may know. I've been struggling with stomach issues the past few weeks. I've been on citalopram which has calmed me down a fair bit. I'd been going so much to my GP they got a bit concerned with my mental wellbeing and asked me to refer myself to a therapist to tackle my anxiety and HA. I had a 30 minute phone appointment with her who was lovely and confirmed that I am indeed in need of CBT help for my HA. I'll be going in 2 weeks to get help.

Ontop of that i have my ultrasounds next week for my stomach, and honestly i'm scared they'll find something cancerous. I relapsed on my no googling rule that had been going strong for a while. And of course i came across Daily Mail articles of "25 year old dies from Stomach cancer after repeated GP visits" and "24 year old dies on eve of wedding from stomach cancer" or quotes from Dr's that say "We even get people in here as young as 25" and it just set me off something fierce. So right now i'm trying to calm down about it all. I know the DM is a scaremongering paper and full of S*** but my anxiety is thinking otherwise. Most specifically because of the stomach discomfort i'm having. :unsure::unsure:

(Edit: I feel like an idiot for reading a DM article, but my anxiety has gone nuts thanks to those idiots)

Anyway, this was just a post to keep people updated. :yesyes:

10-03-16, 16:55
We need to seriously all quit googling and using the Internet to diagnose ourselves. I was just reading up on Lyme Disease and now I'm thinking that's a possibility for me... Late Stage Lyme Disease. I've been way better about googling and stuff but I need to cut it out completely.

And congrats on taking that next step!!

10-03-16, 17:00
I stopped googling ages ago, but now I diagnose myself here instead :-(

6 months ago I wouldn't have known what a Lymph node was.... Now I 'have' lymphoma. Sigh.

You have inspired me... I have always been of the opinion 'I can handle this, I don't need to go to the doctor about this'.... Well maybe I do. (The HA... Not the 'lymphoma')

Thank you Aleman.

10-03-16, 17:12
Thank you both for your replies. I'm glad to know i'm not alone. A few months ago i didn't even know there was multiple cancers! Now i know far more than i ever would like to about the damn thing! Googling reeally does have to stop!

best of luck to you both in our struggles!

10-03-16, 17:18

I know that I need to see a doctor for this... I've been putting it off. I'm going to let them know what's going on with me and let them run the tests they deem necessary. If they think I need to see a therapist, I will. If they want to start me out on meds(which I really, really think I need), I will. This hasn't been affecting my life for as long as most and I haven't got the extensive tests that everyone else seems to have had (just Eye exam (dilated), Blood Work- CBC, Metabolic Panel and Anion Gap) and a chest x-ray). But, it's time to take control and trust doctors and get over this, if it's just anxiety and please let it be just that...

We need help, let's get on it!!

10-03-16, 18:14
Agreed Nick.

I'm currently waiting on multiple diagnosis for my Stomach issues and i'm automatically thinking the worse by being a 25 year old "C" word victim. I really look forward to giving this therapy my all!

10-03-16, 18:23
Agreed Nick.

I'm currently waiting on multiple diagnosis for my Stomach issues and i'm automatically thinking the worse by being a 25 year old "C" word victim. I really look forward to giving this therapy my all!

You're 25, I'm not much older at 28... The chances of us having a sinister or terrible illness is so friggin rare. Entirely possible but just very rare. Yet, every ache and pain and issue with our bodies we automatically assume the worst. The problem is, I don't know if I had these things that I'm dealing with before as I wasn't that in tune to my body or constantly checking myself.

10-03-16, 18:28
You're 25, I'm not much older at 28... The chances of us having a sinister or terrible illness is so friggin rare. Entirely possible but just very rare. Yet, every ache and pain and issue with our bodies we automatically assume the worst. The problem is, I don't know if I had these things that I'm dealing with before as I wasn't that in tune to my body or constantly checking myself.

Yeah i get where you're coming from. It's a vicious circle really. It is stupidly rare for us to have that kind of thing. And same here! I have no idea if i had these before or i'm only just now being hyper-aware of them all.

10-03-16, 18:32
I'm hoping that's all mine is. The ER doctor said I had generalized anxiety but I never started worrying till one week I started worrying about my teeth then got acid reflux bad and started worrying over throat cancer and then it went to heart disease. I got to where I couldn't sleep and was having a couple panic attacks at night. Then I finally had a panic attack after checking my blood pressure at one of those little machines at Walmart it read poor. And I never had blood pressure issues. I'm 32 I don't smoke or drink or do drugs. the ER doctor said all my blood work came back fine and they did ekg and CBC with DIf and a lot more. He gave me some pills which didn't help much so I only toke 3. I was a normal person till around jan 10th of this year. Now I feel like I can feel my heart beat all over and notice twitching in my body. Everyone around me keeps telling me I'm fine. But I feel like my body is falling apart on me at 32. I have started sleeping better than I was which is good. Idk why I think the doctor didn't tell me something or kept something from me or missed something. All my family was there when he said my heart was fine and all my blood work came back fine. He didn't even recommend me follow up he put someone on the papers which I think they have too. But his exact words was I can follow up if I want to to get more pills if I need them but he doesn't see the need in it. High blood pressure or heart issues don't even run on my side of the family.

It sucks because that's how mine started I was googling stuff and it just kept escalating. The doctor told me to stop googling that even people going through med school when they have to learn about all this stuff they start to think they have the symptoms for all these diseases. That's just some of my story I didn't want to totally hi jack this thread.

10-03-16, 18:36
I'm sorry to hear you're going through the same thing Nzxt. Don't worry about hijacking it. It's somewhat reassuring to hear stories from people going through a similar situation, helps with the feeling alone anxiety!

10-03-16, 18:46
Yeah. I kinda think that's how mine kinda started was being alone while everyone else is at work. Like right now. I feel it's way worse when no one is around. And I'm sure I am getting on everyone's nerves about me being ok and them telling me I am ok. I just want to be normal again. I look at people around me and they seem so happy and worried about little stuff and i am like how can you worry about that I am worried I'm dying or have heart or artery issues. They don't worry about me because they truly think I am healthy and I hope they are right I hope it is all in my head. I scheduled a appointment with a nurse practicner my mom has been seeing for 15 years but the appointment is not till next wensday. I hope it all goes good. Everyone tells me it will be fine. They feel like I'm depressed some because I have cried more in past two months then I ever have. I just feel so worried about my health. And feel like I am going crazy. I'm hoping everything goes great at my appointment and I'm going try get some better pills that hopefully can get me back to normal and I won't have to take pills forever.

10-03-16, 19:02
Yeah. I kinda think that's how mine kinda started was being alone while everyone else is at work. Like right now. I feel it's way worse when no one is around. And I'm sure I am getting on everyone's nerves about me being ok and them telling me I am ok. I just want to be normal again. I look at people around me and they seem so happy and worried about little stuff and i am like how can you worry about that I am worried I'm dying or have heart or artery issues. They don't worry about me because they truly think I am healthy and I hope they are right I hope it is all in my head. I scheduled a appointment with a nurse practicner my mom has been seeing for 15 years but the appointment is not till next wensday. I hope it all goes good. Everyone tells me it will be fine. They feel like I'm depressed some because I have cried more in past two months then I ever have. I just feel so worried about my health. And feel like I am going crazy. I'm hoping everything goes great at my appointment and I'm going try get some better pills that hopefully can get me back to normal and I won't have to take pills forever.

It is unbelievable how much i can relate to this right now. I'm always looking at people like "I'm envious of your small time worries, i'm always thinking i'm on the verge of dying!"

10-03-16, 19:08
And me, I can recall a time when I just lived a normal life, I used to say 'I never get ill' 'I never need to see the doctor' ..... and now every day I am convinced I am dying of something new.

Im just plucking up the courage to go to see the doctor about the anxiety, not about symptoms, but about the actual anxiety. Ive never done it, I don't want to be on meds for ever but I just want my normal self back.


10-03-16, 19:27
We're all proud of Aleman and I don't think you're hijacking this thread. We're here because we need help and honestly I think we can help each other. From what I've read on here, most anxiety pills don't kick in right away. Seems like a 3-6 week wait a lot of times...

10-03-16, 19:34
The DM is the devil! I learned about the details my current feared illness from a bl00dy DM article.. didn't even know it existed until I read of someone who had it! I avoid them and their stories like the plague now!

Sending big hug to all:bighug1:

10-03-16, 19:38
The DM is the devil! I learned about the details my current feared illness from a bl00dy DM article.. didn't even know it existed until I read of someone who had it! I avoid them and their stories like the plague now!

Sending big hug to all:bighug1:

I agree! They are absolutely evil. I'm surprised they're still allowed a health section! not going to touch any of their articles ever! I regret my relapse like no tomorrow let me tell you!

Big hugs to all and i love the support. Thank you so much! :bighug1:

10-03-16, 19:53
It is unbelievable how much i can relate to this right now. I'm always looking at people like "I'm envious of your small time worries, i'm always thinking i'm on the verge of dying!"

It sucks and people don't understand. And I get why they don't. All the people telling me I'm okay and are worried about everything else is people that was in the ER room with me when doctor told me I was fine that I need to quit stressing. He didn't recommend me changing my eating habits or mention I need to workout more and said he didn't see the need for me to follow up with anyone. Everyone said I asked him like 10 times if my heart was okay. I was in such a panic mode that whole day it seemed like.

Everyone thinks I'm depressed which I don't totally feel but maybe I do have some depression but it's from worrying about my health. It's not about money job or anything like that.

---------- Post added at 19:48 ---------- Previous post was at 19:44 ----------

We're all proud of Aleman and I don't think you're hijacking this thread. We're here because we need help and honestly I think we can help each other. From what I've read on here, most anxiety pills don't kick in right away. Seems like a 3-6 week wait a lot of times...

Well I'm hoping my appointment goes good like everyone says it will. But I'm going to see about getting some pills and not take them right after I get them
Maybe just some closure from another medical professional will help me the most. Going to see if I can get by without the pills but have them in case I want to try them a week or two later.

---------- Post added at 19:53 ---------- Previous post was at 19:48 ----------

And me, I can recall a time when I just lived a normal life, I used to say 'I never get ill' 'I never need to see the doctor' ..... and now every day I am convinced I am dying of something new.

Im just plucking up the courage to go to see the doctor about the anxiety, not about symptoms, but about the actual anxiety. Ive never done it, I don't want to be on meds for ever but I just want my normal self back.


Yeah I hate going to doctors and never really went before. I also am good with my money and save and I didn't even have insurance when I went to the ER and the bill was $3400! That I paid out of pocket.. That's what I tried to tell my family and they know me good enough if I didn't think something more was wrong than anxiety I wouldn't have wasted that money. It's kinda sad I'd give up my whole nest egg to be normal and healthy again. I must have really messed up my nerves because I get all kinds of twitches now or just notice them more.

10-03-16, 20:02
I keep hearing anxiety can cause some depression and I think I'm slowly approaching that. I was normal just a few months ago. Great athlete, good spirits, life of the party, hilarious, good looking... Now I don't feel like any of that applies to me. It's a low and lonely feeling.

10-03-16, 20:10
Yeah I don't feel I should be that bad off health wise. 32 5:10 210 pounds meduim build. I do have some extra weight but I have seen much worse and I don't eat the best or drink the best but neither does 80% other people in the U.S. Idk why I feel like I'm so unhealthy and getting real symptoms does not help.

It's crazy to go from normal to like this so quick. I wish I could make it go away as fast as it came.

10-03-16, 20:10
I keep hearing anxiety can cause some depression and I think I'm slowly approaching that. I was normal just a few months ago. Great athlete, good spirits, life of the party, hilarious, good looking... Now I don't feel like any of that applies to me. It's a low and lonely feeling.

I feel the same. I was happy go lucky and cheerful. One thing i can say is you're not alone! :)

10-03-16, 20:12
We need to beat this and be healthy happy going people again.

10-03-16, 20:20
I feel the same. I was happy go lucky and cheerful. One thing i can say is you're not alone! :)

And neither are you. It's just crazy, my friends all my life have looked to me for guidance and to lead them. I've been captain of Hockey teams for as long as I can remember. Great baseball and softball player. Pretty much good at everything I do... I'm not gloating or anything, just stating facts and what's been said about me. Now I feel like this lowly coward. It's pathetic.

---------- Post added at 20:20 ---------- Previous post was at 20:15 ----------

We need to beat this and be healthy happy going people again.

Absolutely. I know I'm letting myself down and I know I'm letting my loved ones down by not being myself. If it's just anxiety and I seriously hope it is in all of our cases, we must beat this. We deserve happiness.

10-03-16, 20:20
I don't think your a coward. I never felt this weak and exposed either. My gf has seen me cry more in past two months than in the 4 years we have been together. It makes me feel like I'm messed up and weak. And makes me think what the hell is wrong with me. She wants the old me back and I do too.

10-03-16, 20:24
I feel exactly the same. I am also guilty of reading the daily mail, the other day I found myself looking through the articles just to find one that was about cancer. I don't want to see it because I know it will make me worry about whatever cancer it is that person has got but I know it's going to be there so search for it.

An older friend of mine (I am 24) said "the young people make the headlines because they are the odd ones out and it gets peoples attention. Unfortunately we live in an era of mass media which seems to result in mass hysteria" which really did make me see sense... For a day until I read the next article and fixated on another ache or pain of my own. It's so hard to avoid things sometimes.

10-03-16, 20:24
I don't think you're a coward either my friend. My girlfriend has seen me break down and cry so many times because of it. It's something that no matter how strong or fit you are it can easily tear you down. We all want to be back to how we were. And i believe we will be. We just have to fight it. Grab it by the horns and not let it rule us.

10-03-16, 20:29
Dudes, Im laughing right now and I shouldn't be. My GF of a little over 2 years, who I plan on marrying or I hope I'm still around to marry maybe seen me cry one time prior to this. She has now probably seen me cry 6 or 7 times. And it makes me laugh that you guys mention that.

I would look at her and think damn, this is the girl of my dreams and I'm busy dying from an illness. I'd even look at our two dogs, who I love dearly and think I'm dying and won't be around for them... Yes, I'm the dog guy who loves them like children.

10-03-16, 20:33
I feel exactly the same. I am also guilty of reading the daily mail, the other day I found myself looking through the articles just to find one that was about cancer. I don't want to see it because I know it will make me worry about whatever cancer it is that person has got but I know it's going to be there so search for it.

An older friend of mine (I am 24) said "the young people make the headlines because they are the odd ones out and it gets peoples attention. Unfortunately we live in an era of mass media which seems to result in mass hysteria" which really did make me see sense... For a day until I read the next article and fixated on another ache or pain of my own. It's so hard to avoid things sometimes.

It's so funny. I could have written this over the past few days. Been exactly the same!

And Nick, I get you. I look at my GF and i panic that this stupid illness will make me leave before i get to live my life with her. It's stupid to think at our age i know.

10-03-16, 20:39
Dudes, Im laughing right now and I shouldn't be. My GF of a little over 2 years, who I plan on marrying or I hope I'm still around to marry maybe seen me cry one time prior to this. She has now probably seen me cry 6 or 7 times. And it makes me laugh that you guys mention that.

I would look at her and think damn, this is the girl of my dreams and I'm busy dying from an illness. I'd even look at our two dogs, who I love dearly and think I'm dying and won't be around for them... Yes, I'm the dog guy who loves them like children.

I feel the same my gf is younger than me she's 25 and I turned 32 jan 27th was at the ER on jan 28th this year. I feel like everything we had planned has been put on hold. Hell everything I use to think about has been put on hold. All I can think about is getting over this and living a long healthy life with her. She doesn't worry as much as me she says I'm fine I just need to calm down. Im worrying too much. It sucks that anxiety can cause so many real symptoms because that's what makes me think something is really wrong.

10-03-16, 20:50

It's the physical symptoms that get me to, bud. I've just started this and started having physical symptoms a little over two months ago. It's hard for me to believe that all of my problems are anxiety related as I've never been through any of this or knew I had an anxiety problem... I still am not positive that it's the only problem... At all.

10-03-16, 20:55
What do you think brought on your HA?

10-03-16, 21:01
What do you think brought on your HA?

WebMD & Google, if it is anxiety, of course. Was feeling down and out for a week or so before I went to an Urgent Care... Before I did that, I was on the Internet looking up symptoms for 5 days straight. Anxiety and Stress was always high on the list, so was a flu and cold... I was diagnosed with a Viral infection... Still struggling to believe that was all. A week later, a panic attack and chest pains brought me to the ER, my viral infection turned into Bronchitis. Kept googling and seeing kidney failure, liver issues, cancers as possibilities and I haven't been right since and the physical symptoms have worsened.

So, if it is HA, God please let it be, it was Google and WebMD.

10-03-16, 21:09
WebMD and Google are absolute hell.

10-03-16, 21:15
So is my life right now, Aleman... :shrug:

10-03-16, 21:18
Isn't it just? We'll get through it though! Positive mental attitude!

10-03-16, 21:24
I need to have a few ales at bowling tonight... The problem, I'm scared I have a terrible condition and I haven't really been having any alcohol.

10-03-16, 21:35
Webmd and Google got me started too. And I feel like some my symptoms have gone away mostly after the ER like my chest pains. And I can sleep now. But now I still feel
My heart beat through out my body. I can feel my pulse on tips of my fingers if I'm touching something. Still getting random twitches all over body. Stomach still bounces with my pulse. Not sure if it always did that or not. And past two night I been sweating in my sleep. But I have had a sore throat and a cough which must be a cold because my gf caught it too.

Idk of its just me focusing on it all now or what. Or if my body is still firing random nerves or what.

---------- Post added at 21:35 ---------- Previous post was at 21:30 ----------

Sometimes I feel like id be better off staying the night at the hospital. But if all the symptoms would go away I'd feel a lot better.

When j went to the ER my blood pressure and heart rate was kinda high. Like prehypertension. But I bought a blood pressure monitor and after couple days it dropped down to around average 115/75 heart rate around 75

10-03-16, 21:37
My girlfriend never caught the Viral Infection or Bronchitis that I had... That worries me as well. Is that normal?

10-03-16, 21:38
Idk I mean sometimes people don't catch stuff. I have been sick before and my gf not catch it and vise versa.

10-03-16, 21:40
The good thing is, the hospital didn't deem it necessary for you to stay.. They think you're healthy! But, our minds keep saying that they're mistaken.

---------- Post added at 21:40 ---------- Previous post was at 21:38 ----------

Idk I mean sometimes people don't catch stuff. I have been sick before and my gf not catch it and vise versa.

I'm pretty sure I have to but neither of us ever really get sick... And that was Pre-Freak out mode for me, so I really don't know...

10-03-16, 21:58
The good thing is, the hospital didn't deem it necessary for you to stay.. They think you're healthy! But, our minds keep saying that they're mistaken.

---------- Post added at 21:40 ---------- Previous post was at 21:38 ----------

I'm pretty sure I have to but neither of us ever really get sick... And that was Pre-Freak out mode for me, so I really don't know...

Yeah. The did a ekg on me and I guess it came back a little abnormal my t wave or waves was a little low. The doctor said that some variables are not uncommon. I mean he didn't order anymore test or refer me to anyone like cardiologist. Then of course instead of leaving it at that I googled stuff and I guess some people can have low t waves all there life and be completely healthy. That there are so many things that can cause low and inverted t waves. From anxiety to drinking and eating before the test or moving while taking the test.

But I went extra step and called the guy over the ER And he said my ekg looked identical to his. That's how I found out I had t wave or t waves that was a little low from him. We talked for like 30 mins and when you go to the ER they have someone look over X-rays and ekg the next day to see if they see anything that was wrong or anything from what doctor told you. The guy there that looks over them is a cardiologist. Idk but doctor didn't seem worried at all. He didn't say you need to excersice more or you need to eat better or go here or run more test. Heart issues don't run in my family and high blood pressure don't or diabetes. And from what I read low t waves or inverted t waves is the most common wave to be off on a ekg. It still freaked me out though. My heart rate why I toke the EKG was 114! That's laying down. I was in panic mode that whole day.

---------- Post added at 21:58 ---------- Previous post was at 21:56 ----------

The guy over the ER dept there said he was more worried about my heart rate being so high at 114. I told him I was having panic attacks pretty much that whole day. When I went to the ER I thought I wasn't even going to make it to the ER in time. That's how bad it was.

10-03-16, 22:08
WebMD and Google are absolute hell.

Don't forget the DM! Agree with WebMD and Google. I come straight onto here now when I'm tempted to look up symptoms.


10-03-16, 22:19
DM is a lot of fake story's right. Or that's what I read

10-03-16, 22:22
Yeah it's full of scaremongering!

And thank you LilG! I will try to do the same!

11-03-16, 09:52
Today is a bit of a rough day. Stomach started aching the minute i woke up again. TMI: Had some constipation going on down there too this morning. Decided to drink some coffee in order to help move things along in the 'ol stomach. Just want this all to go away. Or at least, know what it is. HA is still through the roof in terms of Stomach Cancer. Hell, because i've never been this anxious before i have trouble telling real symptoms apart from ones caused by my Anxiety. :(

On one hand i'm glad i'm having scans, on another hand i'm terrified it's something sinister. This is ridiculous now really. Just hope the Citalopram/CBT combo can help revert my way of thinking away from focusing on deadly illnesses and let me get on with my life. I'm celebrating my birthday in two days. And i feel like this anxiety is going to ruin it for me.

11-03-16, 14:44
You're moving in the right direction. I'm really thinking the meds and CBT will do wonders for you. You need to try to not think about any of this on your Birthday. Have a normal, fun day.

Also, maybe some of your anxious thoughts can be turned into relief that you're taking these proper steps? So much easier said than done... I know.

11-03-16, 14:58
Yeah hopefully. Thanks for the encouragement Nick. :)

I had a phone call appointment with my GP to follow up a referral and i've been referred to a Gastro specialist at my local hospital. Will hear from them in 4/6 weeks. So hopefully i can get the right scans done and finally put this all to bed!

11-03-16, 16:42
Try not to let it totally ruin your birthday. It's hard because it took over mine this year also. But I did go out to eat with my gf :)

14-03-16, 23:15
After enjoying my birthday somewhat (I had stomach pain all day). I did something immensely stupid and looked around at "cancer at 25" into the old google. Came across multiple people who got misdiagnosed under the "Pretense" of being too young. And some of the symptoms match my own. and now i'm back to spiralling into an anxious wreck again. I wish i could just find out what's going on. Which of cours led to going on Cancer forums at Stomach/Colon cancer sufferers. I've also lost about 10 lbs in the past 4 weeks. I feel like a mess waiting to keel over. Going back to my GP tomorrow about getting an endoscopy done. Started taking fybogel as a drink too.