View Full Version : Instructions that made me overcome Pure OCD ( SUCCESS STORY )

10-03-16, 19:31
Hi everyone

I'm a person who had ocd for more than 1 YEAR and to say that it had been more than 1 month that i'm ocd free , with no more intrusive thoughts nor anxiety , is like a miracle , so i'd like to share with all of you , the steps that i have done that made me overcome Pure OCD / Intrusive thoughts .I have already wrote an article about my personal successful story of how i overcame pure o , but in this one i'll share details about the instructions to do in order to get rid of Pure O/Intrusive Thoughts.

Please reall all the article , although you may have tried everything and know alot about ocd , but just read it , it may let you get rid of ocd once for all .


Dont try to force yourself to delete a thought from your brain.
Dont avoid or escape a thought.

I know it sounds stupid for someone who want to get rid of a thought, but trust me during my ocd , i was for 9 months trying to forget and escape a thought , and never did i ever forgot it , instead , the thought haunted me for 9 months.

Why ? because " The more you try to not think about something , paradoxicaly , the more you'll think about it "

For example : if i tell you " Dont think about bananas , like really DONT ! " , i'm sure you'll think about them more, each time you remind yourself to not think about bananas.

Avoidance and Escape are also the main reasons why you cant forget a thought , because by avoiding something, YOU ARE SENDING THE MESSAGE TO YOUR CONSCIOUS AND NONCONSCIOUS MIND that BECAUSE YOU FEAR THIS STUFF , YOU WILL AVOID IT , and what does your mind do ? It will Remember that your fear this thing .

Avoidance/Escape are mental compulsions that your brain notice . You brain is smart and knows eachtime you're occupying yourself with another activity , it is not because you like the activity but because you're trying to escape the thought .

IMAGINE , it took me 9 Months to discorver that Avoidance / Escaping / Forcing yourself to not think about something : will only make the thought all the time in your head , SO TRUST ME , DONT DO THE SAME FAULT I DID ( im sharing with you a summary of how i overcame ocd )

2) Getting rid of anxiety

Exposing myself was the best way of how i got rid of anxiety .

Exposure Therapy is exposing your self to the things that make you anxious and it is how your anxiety will decrease A LOT ! and eventually disapears after a time. Exposure Therapy is the most effective way to get rid of ocd or any other Anxiety disorder.

And this is what happened in my case, it was really hard for me because each time i tried it and it didnt help that much , i was in an endless circle and felt like there is no escape of anxiety but anxiety decreased after SO MUCH time exposing myself to the thought that made anxious as hell and i was able to get rid of anxiety at the end .

I was once in your case ,so trust me , after a long period of exposure that has to be done effectively, you'll be able to do it just like i did .

Search about Exposure Therapy of OCD , in order to apply it the proper way.

3 ) You may have read that your ocd is caused by a chemical imbalance in your brain but that's not true ! I myself , believed this too , but i found out that it wasnt the case. For instance , if you search about the cause of depression , you'll find everywhere that depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in your brain , a Serotonin imbalance caused your depressive mood . But wait a second

If someone is depressed because he lost his mother , was it because of his loss of his mother that he is now depressed or was it the " chimical imbalance " that caused his depression ?

Similar example , when you think about very sad events and get depressed , is the low serotonine in your brain THE CAUSE behind your depressed mood , or is the low serotonin A REACTION since you were thinking about sad events.

You can search about " Myths of serotonin defency " " Myths of brain chimical imbalance " " the reality of psychiatry " , many articles on the internet and some psychiatrics themselves talking about these lies such as Thomas Szaz who decided to destroy his career to reveal to people the truth about psychiatry .And im an example myself , when i searched about ocd , i found out that i should take a certain serotonin antidepressant for many years and in some cases , patients should take it for the rest of their lifes. During my hole OCD HELL, i took one pill of an antidepressant , and then decided to throw the hole medicine wehn i found out about the truth about these drugs Trust me , because here i am , i'm an example of a person who overcame Pure OCD without any of these drugs.



I didnt put it in the first place , because it is very hard to just accept your anxiety provoking thoughts , but indeed ACCEPTANCE is the most imporant element.Fighting back your toughts by trying not to think about them , will only re-enforce them , and you'll think about them MORE . So by acceptance , you just let the thoughts in your head , you welcome them ! you say to yourself " im gonna give you space in mind , i can think about you anytime i want " your mind will know that you accept the thoughts and YOU WILL BE SURPRISED ABOUT HOW much the thought will diminish to the point where they will no longer be in your head .

How ? Because as i said earlier " by avoiding something, YOU ARE SENDING THE MESSAGE TO YOUR CONSCIOUS AND NONCONSCIOUS MIND that BECAUSE YOU FEAR THIS STUFF , YOU WILL AVOID IT , and what does your mind do ? It will Remember that your fear this thing " . So in the opposite when you welcome the thought , when you give it space , when you can think about it whenever you want , your mind won't remind you each time about it.

5 ) After exposing yourself to the anxiety and after stopping fighting your brain by trying to stop the anxiety provoking thought , . Now comes an essentiel element wich is knowing that the thought that made you so anxious is absurd and doesnt mean anythingUse logic and think if what you're anxious about does really make sense !

Take a deep time , a deep reflexion and see the things clearly . What made you the first time have this anxiety towards this thought ? Does it make sense ? and so on , to the point where you'll know that is absurd and you'll move on .

Use logic only after exposing yourself and having almost no more anxiety. because if you use logic to fight your anxiety thought , you'll know that the thought doesnt make sense BUT you'll always feel anxious , you won't get rid of anxiety , so first you need to get rid of anxiety by exposing yourself , and then after being sure there is no more anxiety then you can use your logic .


I hope that you will overcome your OCD just like i did , it is all behavioral.

I want you to know that is possible , im an example of someone who overcame pure ocd.

And Please share it with other people who stuggle from Ocd /Intrusive Thoughts .

10-03-16, 22:40
Admin deleted several of your threads because they were advertising. I didn't see them but from my experience that tells me that selling takes priority over helping.

11-03-16, 00:50
Seems like a pretty common sense approach.

Positive thoughts

11-03-16, 04:42
I think you might have missed the signs, the usual advertising "hooks" are in there. For the full "method", I'm sure there will be an ebook and a fee. :winks:

Avoidance & escape are mental compulsions? Only if they are truly mental, they can be physical too in the case of avoidance and I'm not sure escape can be anything but physical since it will require your body escaping from the situation.

11-03-16, 13:19
what the hell ? that website is not even mine , when i had ocd , i would search in all over the sites hours and hours , and in that link i found the best video that helped me , so i wanted to share it .

Why would i even write all this long article ? i just want to help people xD

12-03-16, 14:00
Good guide.
Most of the OCD sufferers like me know already a lot about OCD, but it is interesting to learn new ways of dealing with the problem. Thanks, I found some useful tips here.

13-03-16, 11:20
you're welcome :)