View Full Version : Scared to make future plans...

10-03-16, 19:48
So, I am fairly new to health anxiety, I think I've always had some sort of anxiety but for the past month or so it's all been related to my health.

Since the ha kicked in I've had such a fear of planning ahead. Before this I was always so organised and looking to the future. For example; I'm planning on moving in with my partner next year and would occasionally check for what sort of thing we could afford to buy. Now I can't even think that far ahead, I'm scared to make plans for any time this year. Last year we booked a holiday for July this year in around September time, so a good while in advance, I could no way imagine doing that now. I'm scared to think about what I'll be doing next month because I'm just convinced something awful is going to happen to me in that time.

Does anyone else feel this way? Or have they ever? If so, how do you deal with it :shrug:


10-03-16, 19:57
I've been feeling like this since before Xmas.. then my HA kicked in and it got worse. I'm pretty much a "planner" in life and always look forward to things, so have found it really hard. I've been feeling a bit better over the past month or so but I still have an underlying feeling of "what's the point" when planning/thinking of doing something. I'm trying to "accept" the feeling and plan anyway, easier said than done but am trying anyway xx

10-03-16, 20:14
Yes I am exactly the same. I just have a fear of not being here and so think what's the point. I had been feeling a bit better over the past few days but today has been a low day.

What I did find that had helped slightly was just starting to make plans a few weeks in advance, at the time this felt like quite a big deal as I had spent a few weeks making none at all. x

10-03-16, 20:17
I'd forgotten this bit of health anxiety, but yes I remember when I was younger in my 20's and 30's not wanting to tempt fate by planning ahead. Now with age (54) I am just grateful to wake up in the morning:) and long may it continue!