View Full Version : Prostate cancer worries

11-03-16, 00:20
Hi i have a long history with Health Anxiety lately i have been having trouble with my water works and worried i have prostate cancer. I have had this concern before as i have always had to go to the toilet to urinate quite frequently. I have had countless water samples tested but they didn't find anything i dont know if they did a psa test but he did do a rectal test with his finger and said my prostate felt normal .The problems iam having is lower back pain and pain in mid back needing to go to the toilet a lot to urinate a burning sensation when i have urinated and feeling like i haven't total finished urinating and a burning sensation in my bum . When i told my old doctor i was worried about my prostate a couple of years ago he said i was too young iam 39 now and still worried that it may have been cancer but slow growing. I have had scans on my bladder and kidneys a few times found nothing and on my last scan they checked my bladder to see if i was emptying okay and i thought they said they could see my prostate but he didn't say anything else. The specialist has booked for me to have a circumcision but i dont think this is the problem i do have a tight foreskin but dont think it is causing the problems. I dont see the specialist now until i have my circumcision done but iam worried that it could be cancer and spread from my prostate anyone have any experience with anything like this or prostate cancer

11-03-16, 10:41
Prostate cancer would be incredibly rare in someone your age, has to be at the very bottom of any possible diagnosis list.
Its much more likely to be a waterworks problem of some kind.

11-03-16, 13:27
Hi thanks for your comment countrygirl