View Full Version : Swollen Lymph Node Behind Ear...advice please

11-03-16, 04:51
Hey, so I have a bit of health anxiety, that's for sure. On Monday I was feeling behind my ear while I was putting my hair up and felt something sort of squishy behind my ear, but it was sort of like a tiny lump. I did have a cold about a week ago, with a sinus infection to follow after. I'm just worried because of the fact that it feels as if there is a lump behind my ear. I've told my parents and they do not think it's really anything to worry about, but I just cannot shut off the worry. It does not hurt much anymore, but for the first couple of days it did hurt a bit. It's about the size of a lima bean, it's squishy and movable, like those in the neck. I have been pretty much constantly prodding and poking at it and comparing the size of it day to day in the mirror. Nothing has really changed, but my neck is absolutely strained from bending it a weird way to see behind my ear constantly. Is there any advice that anyone can give me? :) Has this happened to anyone else? If so, did everything end up being fine? Should I try to relax and not think about it or should I get it checked out? Thank you for any advice!

11-03-16, 10:31
I have in the past had a little hard lump just on my skull behind my ear that was a slightly enlarged lymph node. It would last about 2 weeks then go down as long as I didn't keep poking it. I would check it once a day. I can go years between it happening but it has happened about 4 times in past 15 years. I would always say to myself if its not gone away in 2 weeks I will go to the Dr but it always did go away.

So maybe just check it once, once a day and if its still there or gets bigger after 2 weeks then go to the Dr as if you go now your Dr will only tell you to come back in a month or so!

I have no idea what caused mine but whatever it was it was nothing serious.

11-03-16, 12:57
Thank you country girl, yeah I think what I am going to do is just not touch it besides twice a day. Maybe that will help it and my sort of obsession with it. I am supposed to get a yearly physical for my job in the next two weeks, so I guess I could just bring it up then. :blush:

11-03-16, 17:09
I have had a rock hard lump on the back of my ear for around 10 years now. I hope it's nothing considering how long it's been. Hopefully this will make you feel a bit better.

14-03-16, 00:14
That does make me feel better, I just overreact about a lot of things...especially health related issues. And something like a lump behind your ear is enough to make a hypochondriac freak out more than the usual, even for them.