View Full Version : Does anyone else worry about rarer illnesses?

11-03-16, 07:55
I've been feeling much better of late but my underlying fear is still that of a tumour in my nasal area and these are apparently quite rare. I had symptoms over xmas which made me worry about them in this way. I've had several blood tests/CT/MRI which all came back clear/normal and although most of my symptoms have subsided, I'm still left with tinnitus and odd clicking in my ear/nose at times which I find hard to accept as normal. My ENT appt was very rushed last time and I didn't get any real answers.

I can't understand how I don't really worry about the common things I read about, and go straight to the lesser known ones. Does anyone else worry about rarer illnesses?

11-03-16, 08:01
ALS is rare too right? Lots of people worry about that. And AAA is rare for younger type people right? My stomach moves with my pulse and in oy 32 don't drink smoke and am
Not a diabetic and there is no known cases of anarism in my family. But I kinda worry sometimes.

11-03-16, 08:15
You will be in good company on the HA board, I think.

Rare is often seen. Some people worry about HIV when there is literally no chance of contracting.

Then there are the people worrying about the diseases that are being reported in the media yet they are on a different continent with all the border controls in place to prevent it reaching their country, let alone them.

Some worry about rabies in the UK when it's incredibly rare here.

Then things like Sporadic Fatal Insomnia (SFI) pop up and you couldn't get much rarer than that!!!

It's the thing about anxiety, it will look for the worst things to protect you from just as intrusive thoughts will be about the things you fear the most (the things which challenge your morality to it's core). Some people worry about the things in between too, some focus on specific possible things like the cancers although some of them are even very rare for the person.

Being someone with GAD & OCD, with one of my OCD flavours being Magical Thinking, I can do rare. If I didn't perform my many rituals tied to this thinking style something bad would happen. I often wouldn't even know what that was. For instance, not touching the window frame in multiples of X until it felt "just right" at the same time as having a pimage of my parents instead of the negative one that started to process - could mean they would be harmed. What are the chances of all that coming together?

11-03-16, 12:41
Does anyone else worry about rarer illnesses?

That seems to be a if not "the" hallmark trait of HA sufferers along with Googling. I know someone's been googling just by the jargon or posting about an illness I've never heard of or read bout in my entire life and of course the dead giveaway, "copy and paste". There are certainly many HA sufferers that are graduates of Google University :)

Positive thoughts

11-03-16, 14:16
Does anyone else worry about rarer illnesses?

That seems to be a if not "the" hallmark trait of HA sufferers along with Googling. I know someone's been googling just by the jargon or posting about an illness I've never heard of or read bout in my entire life and of course the dead giveaway, "copy and paste". There are certainly many HA sufferers that are graduates of Google University :)

Positive thoughts

I first read about the illness I fear in the evil publication that is the Daily Mail.. of course then I thought "I'll just Google it..." That was it.. shot myself with the old GoogleGun and off I spiralled! :doh: