View Full Version : pins and needles when asleep!!!!

03-03-07, 13:17
does anyone else wake in the night with pins and needles?
i get this in my hands and sometimes my feet, it actually wakes me up and then i start to feel really panicky.

thanks for reading

luv tracie xx

03-03-07, 14:05
yes all the time,sometimes several times a night when my anxiety was at its height, i really dont thinkits something you have to worry about,sometimes mines was just because i had moved over onto my arm and other times.... well who knows but nothing serious.
take care

03-03-07, 16:27
i had this and freaked me out, thought thw worst blatantly haha anyway went to a doc and got tested and everything was fine and as my anxiety has lessened i havent haed the pins and needles. i used to wake up with it all over my body surging from my feet to my head so dont worry it is part of anxiety.

05-03-07, 10:09

I have had pins and needles really badly for the last few weeks, almost constantly. It seems to move about, sometimes in my feet, often in my hands. I don't get it so badly that it wakes me up, but I can honestly say I go to bed with it and wake up with it. Its horrible.


05-03-07, 12:11
So glad i read your post, thank you.
I've been waking up the last couple of nights with this. At first I thought maybe it was because I was sleeping on my arm but it happens in my feet too.
I didn't think it could be related to anxiety at all but maybe it is. I'm going to resist googling and hopefully it will go away.