View Full Version : Men ACWY vacc

11-03-16, 14:59

So... I am going to uni in Sept 2016, so I thought it was essential to get the Men ACWY. I kept putting it off because I am afraid of having side effects etc. However, I have just had the jab today and freak out has happened. This week I have had a nasty bout of 'hives' or at least that is what the doctor thinks it could be, probably from washing powder etc. I still have them today, but the doctor said it was okay to get the jab. Since having the jab about 5 hours ago I have had a headache, felt sick, dizzy and my arm hurts a lot. I know it is silly but because I have hives i've convinced myself that my immune system wont react properly to the jab, and thus I will get meningitis.

I cannot talk to my parents about it because they just brush me off, and I know my anxiety is probably causing some of these symptoms, but I think it is also the jab itself. IDK. Ah god.

What should I do?

Thank you,


11-03-16, 15:59
It's pretty common for your body to have a mild reaction to any vaccination as it causes an immune response. I would try waiting out the symptoms and trust that the vaccine does its job.

If the symptoms get progressively worse then you should get it checked out. I think you'll be fine though. Good luck at uni - exciting times ahead!