View Full Version : SYMPTOMS

03-03-07, 13:19
I 've this symptoms for very long, it is on and off case. recently again i got this kind of feeling, is this feeling anxiety, panic attack and stress. pls tell me i am ok, i ti just symptoms of the above.

1) i feel something is moving in my head (like small nerve wrigling or moving a bit) and i can feel that sensation once a while for whole day, it just come a while just a tick feeling.
2) i am feeling my chest heaviness, tightness and sometimes breatheless
3) i wake up in the middle of the night about 4am and feeling of scared suddenly, and can't move a while and i am so scared and feeling my heart is beating so fast
4) sometimes if eel my heart is racing for no reason
5) out of sudden while out shopping or walking around i just feel light headed, dizzy all of the sudden, i feel lost and i start to get so scared and walk very fast like asking for help i walk or run for no reason like running from something
6) my stomach suddenly shivering, or my chest is shivering that i always got to box or beat my stomach to make me cool down, it happen 1/2 hour.
7) i suddenly felt so so sleepy for no reason, suddenly while working or sitting or doing something i nthe middle of my work, suddenly i felt so so terribly sleepy and drowsy, and really lost and scared and i start to feel dizzy again, it all started with the feeling of sudden sleepy.
8) nowadays i just feel sleepy always, i just lie down on bed and keep on sleeping, i woke up 15mins then i sleep again it happen all day.
9) at night i am awaken feeling scared and dizzy.
10) my whole head feel so heavy,so full, blank and crushed, or i feel my head so tight and neck aching hand aching and whole body aching.
hv anybody suffer like me, what are the best treatment for me, what should i do first, am i gonna be ok?and i am always seen as a sick gal by everyboduy, seeing me will ask me r u sick? i don't know what is happening to me.

03-03-07, 14:05

Know exactly where you are coming from, I have had all these symptons in the past, and sometimes even now, I started to get better once I had had counselling, accept the fact that we all have up days and down days, and an anxiety attack is like having a cold, shitty while you have it, but it passes.Go and see your doctor and explain exactly how you feel do not be embarrased, ask for help, that is what they are there for, if you are not happy with what he says then tell him, even this bit of assertiveness is good for you.Try and be happy, and when you feel like you are panicking, do something to divert your mind, i usually find something active works for me, like clearing an old drawer, or sorting out all my clothes, or putting all my books in alphabetical order, a bit OCD there lol.Good luck with it you will get lots of advice and help here, and feel free to Pm me anytime

03-03-07, 14:08
thanks so is all this anxiety problem, all my symptoms like so sleepy suddenly, dizzyiness, feeling moving things in my head, is it all connecting to anxiety, stress?