View Full Version : Have I drank too much water?!?!?!?

11-03-16, 18:24
I had a CT scan with contrast this morning. They said to make sure I was well hydrated that morning. So I drank a litre at 7am. When I got there they gave me 600ml to drink. I left the hospital and they told me to drink LOADS of water to flush out the dye. Since I've been back I've drank 3 litres, over an 8 hour period. So today from 7am until 6pm (now) I've drank around 4.5litres.

Too much? Will I give myself water intoxication? I don't have a headache or feel sick.

11-03-16, 18:35

Positive thoughts

12-03-16, 05:06
My friend drinks 6 liters a day.

12-03-16, 08:45
After writing that post yesterday I had drank 5 litres over the course of the entire day.
This morning I woke up at 5am with a banging headache so drank a few cups of water. My pee has been clear ever since and now I'm scared I have water intoxication because of my headache and the fact my urine is too clear :( :( :(

12-03-16, 15:06
earlier in the week i drank 2x the normal amount for an adult - instead of 64oz it was over 128oz

i'm fine

12-03-16, 15:31
Ok listen... 5 liters is a little over a gallon of water. I have and do come close to that and I know many others who do the same. In fact, there are proven physical and health benefits in doing so!

That is one thing I think you should Google: "Benefits of drinking a gallon of water a day".

Positive thoughts