View Full Version : Can Things Change In Seven Months

11-03-16, 22:40

I was just curious. I was last at the doctor's office 7 months ago. He told me I was healthy , no cancer, and I have had blood test and was in the hospital about a year ago and checked out and monitored. Everything is suppose to be good and everything checked. I have been putting off going back to the doctor although I should have gone back at least a month ago for medicine refills and general blood work and check up.

My doctor told me my heart is in good shape and my heath is good so I have been nervous worried that his observations may have changed over the last seven months. I have been getting more and more anxious about going to the doctor although I know I have to go soon.

I have been having issues sleeping and kind of edgy and sick to my stomach a lot lately and kind of nervous. I am not sure this is due to sickness or just feeling anxiety knowing that I have to go soon.

My question is if you didn't have cancer or high blood pressure or heart disease seven months ago , can you get it in seven months? I have been eating right ,not really exercising that much if any and nothing has really changed other than feeling bad more and more everyday .

Does everyone think this is just anxiety or I am getting some kind of illness or high blood pressure or ? Thanks in advance.

12-03-16, 21:49

Doesn't look like anything too bad, possibly anxiety but it is a chance to check something over with your doctor! It is better to find something out than just leaving it although not much can happen in seven months, seeing that there was nothing bad at your last check-up. I am sure if anything was developing your doctor would've found it out!

You should be happy to go to the doctor because then you can stop worrying about it and you know that you are fine!

Hope I helped!

- RunningFlamingo24

14-03-16, 02:13
Yeah my wife tells me the same thing most of the time but she gets tired of telling me that. I am such a worrier.. Wish I had every moment back in my life spent wasted worrying. My mother always said that 99 percent of what you worry about never comes to pass.. I guess I should have listened. Thanks for your input I appreciate it.

14-03-16, 07:10
Sounds like anxiety to me...

Go and be reassured by your doctor that all is fine and then work on the anxiety. Don't give the 'yes but what if?' gremlin any time.
Accept. Accept. Accept!:)

17-03-16, 08:58
Thanks NoraB..

Geez .. I don't ever want to go back to a doctor again. After setting my appointment I get so nervous for the days leading up to it and the day I am suppose to go my heart goes crazy and I get so scared and end up not going , which is bad because I have to go back to get refills on my meds and really in the back of my mind I try to assure myself that nothing has happened to me and if anything my blood work and physical will be better than ever since I have changed my eating habits ,all healthy food and no snacking except what I am suppose to snack on and also been taking meds for things that ale me and also lost weight a healthy weight.. so maybe just maybe I might be ok but I need to go soon... and just so scared.. But thanks for your encouragement.. I will try . thanks again