View Full Version : Anyone else paranoid?

11-03-16, 22:45
I am paranoid about funerals homes now every time I drive by one and there is cars there I feel like I'm next. And I was to point where if I got over to other lane and hit a reflector in the road then something bad was going to happen to me. I think I been this way before I got diagnosed with anxiety. Like if I do this or that then something bad will happen.

It's weird but I feel like me dodging reflectors while changing lanes is feeding my anxiety some. So I kinda started just getting over if I hit them then I hit them.

The other day we was coming back from chatt TN and I saw like 5 ambulances I thought it was a sign.

11-03-16, 23:27
This isn't Final Destination, those aren't signs that you're next. The funeral homes have always been there and there are Ambulances everywhere!! I get where you're coming from but those were not signs and Im a superstitious type of person!!

11-03-16, 23:40
Yeah. Why does everyone with health anxiety feel like they Are next or going to die soon. It sucks. I feel like anything I do my heart races. I asked my GF today if she was worried about my health and she responded no almost instantly through text message. I asked why she said because I have nothing wrong with me. It makes me feel good and calm down some but why can't I see it. I've had atleast 15+ people say I'm fine even the doctor and I still feel like I'm not sometimes.

11-03-16, 23:48
That's Anxiety, brother. I'm hoping that's all that I have wrong with me right now. I have multiple people saying it's Anxiety, including loved ones. I haven't had a crazy number of tests, though. Just Bloodwork(CBC, Metabolic Panel, Anion Gap), a Chest X-Ray, Dilated Pupil Eye Exam & the Doctors taking my vitals twice... None of which concerned anybody.

11-03-16, 23:54
Yeah I had a EKG and lots of blood work I know for sure cbc with DIf. And more and urine test and doctor didn't seem worried he just put down generalized anxiety on my dispatch papers.

---------- Post added at 23:53 ---------- Previous post was at 23:51 ----------

They took my vital a few times while there and it was prehypertension that's how much anxiety and panic I was in. Idk why I can't believe everyone. All my family says I'm totally fine physically and they was all there when I went to the ER. Hell I thought I was dyinga day after my 32 birthday.

---------- Post added at 23:54 ---------- Previous post was at 23:53 ----------

It was hard for me to see everyone else not worried even my GF and mom or brother. They act like its nothing and only thing I can figure out is because they truly think I'm 100% fine which they have told me before.

11-03-16, 23:59
I've noticed my BP can range from Prehypertension to HIGH(145/95) when I'm real stressed out. Then I feel light headed and my legs are weak. When I'm calm and relaxed, it's usually 115-125/75-83... I don't think that's too bad.

When I went to the doctor the first time, it read 145/95, then 30 mins later on my way out they took it again, it was 120/79. Then at the ER during my Panic Attack it was 135/90 and the guy said irs a little high but nothing at all to worry about.

12-03-16, 00:05
Yeah mine usually is around 110-120 over 70-80. Pulse stays around 70-80. When I went to ER it was higher like 130 over 90. Pulse was around 115-120. I remember checking my stuff at Walmart and it said poor on everything that sent me into a panic attack that how I ended up in the ER. One thing I didn't even know them if you eat before it it can raise because your heart has to work more to digest food. And I had Wendy's on way to Walmart. When I first got my blood pressure monitor few days after ER it was still around 135 over 87. Pulse was around 100. Two days later it came back diwn to normal. 140 over 90 is consider high blood pressure type 1. And I have heard even if you go to doctor for that they usually recommend excersice and eating better before putting you on medication.

12-03-16, 00:13
I got into the habit of taking mine 5 times per day it seemed, really sad I know... Now it's a couple of times per week. My resting heart rate seems to ring in between 60-90... Probably depends on how anxious I'm feeling. See, that stuff gives me hope that Anxiety is my issue, I just hope that it's the only thing.

12-03-16, 00:22
Yeah I got to wear I was checking mine a lot also. But now I been trying to control it a lot more. Yeah I hope mine is just anxiety related too. And they say anxiety and stress can raise the heart rate a lot. I feel like mine is high like when I'm walking or doing something. I mean I'm for sure not the most active person but I have seen a lot worse and bigger people. I did run a fork lift most of last year.