View Full Version : The REAL Health Anxiety Saga!

12-03-16, 00:34
Hello all,

Just signed up here, but I have been browsing these forums for a few years now, reading about other folk's situations.....trying to relate and also getting some solace in reading other people's stories.


I'm a 30 year old male, geologist, in good shape (been lifting weights 4-5x per week for 10 years or so), great family, great friends, awesome girlfriend, etc......everything should be in place for me to be content with my life.......

.....but I am not. I was diagnosed with depression sometime in high school, and put on Zoloft. I have been on and off SSRI's since then, currently I take 30mg Celexa. I see a psychiatrist now, and was also prescribed 25mg Seroquel for sleep. Prior to seeing the psychiatrist, I had only been treated by GP's. She (psychiatrist) does not believe I am really depressed - I have dysthymia and GAD. I believe the GAD is the root of my dysthymia. I also think I have OCD, developed as a result of my health anxiety and the compulsion to check things obsessively (like feeling my lymph nodes 100+ times a day, staring at the inside of my mouth in the mirror with a flashlight for an hour at a time looking at things, etc.).

I was also diagnosed with ADD (so officially, I have ADD, dysthymia, and GAD), which makes sense because I have always found it tough to sit still and do normal ''desk work'', which is why I guess I became a geologist (I'm outside a lot and being active, specially during the first years of my career).

I was able to get through college fine though, my ADD has never been at any extreme levels where I would show symptoms on the outside. I just have an overactive mind that does not slow down......In comes Adderall......prescribed 10mg 2x per day. I quickly began abusing it, which went on for nearly a year. I had enough self awareness (and disgust of myself) to know that I was an addict and I called my Dr and told him about it and told him to not prescribe it to me anymore. The anxiety I got after it (Adderall) wore off was horrible, which led me to basically turn into an alcoholic during that time.

I have also been a marijuana smoker since college (nearly daily). I've stopped multiple times with no issues (for periods of a few months). It has always helped me sleep. I am a musician (my ADD is probably why I used to play guitar for 8+ hours a day in high school and college) and they both seem to go hand in hand. I also just like being high, I won't make an excuse.

I have an addictive personality (guitar, gym, weed), but I very rarely smoke during the day (it's usually only on weekends when I do.....although I have gotten stoned while working in the field on occasion, my cross-sections always come out looking like penises), it's always at night after work/the gym. I go lift then come home and stuff my face and relax. This has been my routine for almost 10 years.

Besides marijuana, I've never been "into" drugs, other than Adderall obviously. I never used to drink more than once a month (give or take a day or two) because I was so into the gym lifestyle that I never wanted to hinder my "gains". I have always eaten healthily. My GP and my psychiatrist both know I use marijuana and do not seem to care nor suggest that I stop. I have a medical marijuana card (it's legal in my state). However, I do find it odd that they (doctors) haven't brought marijuana up again in discussion after I initially told them about my use during my first visits.

I do not find my condition/situation to be any better during the periods when I'm completely sober. I am considered by the doctors to be healthy and living a healthy life style - so I have tried every typical lifestyle "change" that is suggested to people struggling with depression/GAD.

Health Anxiety

About 2.5+ years ago, I began to have lymph nodes in my neck swell up, as well as other symptoms in my mouth (i.e. stinging below tongue, over other areas in mouth, etc.). The nodes have remained enlarged for 2.5 years now. During these 2.5 years, more have slowly enlarged and remained so. However, one node on the side of my neck/under my ear has come and gone about 3x now.

During this 2.5+ year period I've had the following tests/procedures:

MRI of neck
CT scan of neck
MRI of brain
2 ultrasounds of neck
Comprehensive (I would hope?) blood tests from hematologist (he analyzed for a lot of different parameters I had never heard of and have long forgotten)
2 nasolaryngoscopies
other routine blood tests, including: CBC, thyroid function, the basics
excisional biopsy of enlarged node on my lower left/side of neck
fine needle biopsy of enlarged node below jaw/left side

I've seen 3 ENTs, 3 oral surgeons, a hematologist, and a neurologist. Basically, all of the tests have come back as normal, with the exception of the imaging tests, which indicate enlarged nodes. I also apparently have GERD and an enlarged/swollen sphenoid sinus, but not severe enough to warrant medication or treatment.

Present Day

As I mentioned above, my GAD preceded my lymph node adventure, but since it began the GAD has gotten worse, fairly steadily. I've spent so much time and money trying to get some answers as to why my nodes are enlarged. If they didn't cause physical symptoms, like the sensation that I have grapes in my neck/jaw, and a neck stiffness/fullness feeling (they aren't large enough to see visually from the outside), I may have been able to have forgotten about it and put it behind me by now.

My GAD and other problems are not severe enough to hinder me (yet) from performing and completing daily responsibilities/tasks, but it is pretty unbearable. I have been off the Adderall for a few months, and since then my drinking has gone down, but I still struggle to not grab a pint of whiskey after work some days. The past three weeks or so I have managed to reduce my drinking drastically, though with 3 or 4 days where I have broken down and picked up some whiskey.

I always feel so ashamed of myself when I wake up hung over the next morning, even if it isn't a raging hangover (4 or 5 drinks) from the night prior, like I used to experience almost 5 days a week during the time I was on Adderall. I always start off the day great by going to work, going to the gym, telling myself all day that I will not drink, then I come home and sabotage myself by binge drinking. I'm fully aware of what it does to my body, I think more so than average because I am an intermediate weight lifter (315lb bench press, 420lb+ deadlift, at 195lbs 6'3"), and can see what it does to my body and feel it in the gym.

I am at a loss about what to do. I don't feel like my GAD will ever go back down to levels that are acceptable, unless I can get a diagnosis related to my nodes/neck. Conversely, I also accept that I may indeed be going insane. I am different than the vast majority of the health anxiety stories posted on this board though - I actually have a physical manifestation (my lymph nodes) of something going on in my body, and according to all of the doctors, anxiety cannot cause lymph nodes to enlarge. I am not downplaying anyone's suffering who deals with health anxiety, I would not wish it on anyone. It's like a wet turd that you can't wash off of your body. On days when it's windy outside and busy, you can't smell the old turd so much. On still days, it wafts right up your nose. Totally unpredictable.

I do not have the usual "I have a headache, my back hurts, I think I drank too much water, germaphobe, etc." complaints that most hypochondriacs have. Mine are very real, unexplained, and I think it would be bothersome (and worrisome) for most people given the amount of time that has elapsed since the lymph node saga began.

I have also seen a therapist, who suggested I am too functional to need his help, and he was the one who referred me to the psychiatrist.

Sorry this was so damn long, I would love to hear anyone's opinion should they take the time to read all of this. I haven't really spoken to anybody who has gone through this type of thing, at least that I know of.

12-03-16, 00:44
I don't know everything to say in your case but I am sure someone here can relate. But I do know no one should tell you they don't believe you are really depressed for sure someone like a doctor.

12-03-16, 00:51
I don't know everything to say in your case but I am sure someone here can relate. But I do know no one should tell you they don't believe you are really depressed for sure someone like a doctor.

Thank you for your response.

I agree in that nobody can tell you if you are depressed or not. I do not feel that depressed though, I've never not been unable to not function or get out of bed. I generally just feel flat lined in relation to some emotions. The most prevalent emotions are boredom, frustration, anxiety, anger, fear.

12-03-16, 10:30
The more you focus on a symptpm the more it presents itself. I went through a lymph node debacle last summer. I STILL have the one side of neck and collarbone. I believe that mine enlarged after a chest infection I had camping and didn't go down. I saw a doctor in tears who looked at me like k was mad but luckily he was lovely and wojldnt let me leave until he'd convinced me. He said some of us just feel nodes more than others. Unless they are Rock hard and don't move for toffee then leave them. And even if they do present themselves this way there are million things (exaggeration) they could me. I feel I should have a PHD with my internet research pah. Which I do not recommend anyone doing.

12-03-16, 11:33
The more you focus on a symptpm the more it presents itself. I went through a lymph node debacle last summer. I STILL have the one side of neck and collarbone. I believe that mine enlarged after a chest infection I had camping and didn't go down. I saw a doctor in tears who looked at me like k was mad but luckily he was lovely and wojldnt let me leave until he'd convinced me. He said some of us just feel nodes more than others. Unless they are Rock hard and don't move for toffee then leave them. And even if they do present themselves this way there are million things (exaggeration) they could me. I feel I should have a PHD with my internet research pah. Which I do not recommend anyone doing.

I've read every article and post online about lymph nodes (probably almost literally, over the last couple years) in my search for some answers. I don't have one enlarged node, I have 6-7 enlarged, it's pretty uncomfortable.

Nodes are often soft or rubbery and mobile when someone has lymphoma. They can also fluctuate in size. Indolent type lymphomas can progress over the course of 15 or 20 years, although rarer in my age group. I do not think I have lymphoma anymore, although there is still a possibility. False negatives do happen, even with excisional biopsy. The hematologist confirmed this info, he treats people with lymphoma. I have a hard time trusting doctors at this point. I've had doctors tell me things that are blatantly false......like hyper and hypo thyroidism do not cause swollen nodes in the neck...lol they can though. My mother spent 10 years of her life trying to get a diagnosis for her odd symptom's, which included swollen nodes in the neck. Guess what? She has hyperthyroidism and it took 10 years, multiple endocrinologists and a last ditch effort to Mayo Clinic to receive a diagnosis. That is just one example of many.

I'm a technical type person. I do not have a medical degree, but I am a scientist and understand anomalous occurrences, and write technical papers to EPA and state regulatory agencies about contaminated sites concerning my assessment of all data, data gaps, and most importantly if the remedial and investigative activities conducted at these sites is adequate and protective of human and ecological health. I'm a consultant. I send samples to analytical labs on a sometimes daily basis, and have to interpret what all of the data tells me. I consider myself pretty intelligent. More intelligent than some of the doctors I have seen. How can they tell me false information and expect me to fully trust them? If I did that with my clients, and they knew more than me about hydrogeology and environmental science without a formal education I would be ashamed and embarrassed.

Catherine S
12-03-16, 11:47
We live in a world where each of us is compared to a measure of 'normal' and life seems structured to fit that ideal...school, college, work and relationships, but in many ways most of us don't fit and end up thinking we're weird when really, we are just being our own normal. I know there are times in life when meds help. ..my thyroid doesn't function well without my daily dose of thyroxine, but mentally speaking, and attitude to living life in a certain way should be our choice. I think alot of negative attitudes can damage self esteem when younger and result in total confusion later on in life.

I say yes to meds if absolutely necessary, but largely, to bring peace into your life, live it as you want to not as others expect you to. Be who you are as best you can.

Take care

12-03-16, 13:45
We live in a world where each of us is compared to a measure of 'normal' and life seems structured to fit that ideal...school, college, work and relationships, but in many ways most of us don't fit and end up thinking we're weird when really, we are just being our own normal. I know there are times in life when meds help. ..my thyroid doesn't function well without my daily dose of thyroxine, but mentally speaking, and attitude to living life in a certain way should be our choice. I think alot of negative attitudes can damage self esteem when younger and result in total confusion later on in life.

I say yes to meds if absolutely necessary, but largely, to bring peace into your life, live it as you want to not as others expect you to. Be who you are as best you can.

Take care

Thanks I appreciate your advice, it's something I must struggle with (conformity) subconsciously. I feel like I'm destined for so much more than to be a drug addict and riddled with anxiety. I'm sure that my stint of abuse did not help me anxiety at all, it has left me in a poorer state than before I began.

The past few days I have been pretty anxious. I had my Celexa dosage increased by 10mg 5 days ago. I feel off and have had a hard time sleeping, but I kind of was anticipating it. I've read so many stories of people feeling all sorts of messed up for a bit when first taking SSRIs. I have been taking minimal doses of SSRIs my entire life and never could really tell if it was doing anything, they were like sugar pills. I'm by no means experiencing severe side effects though. Along with the anxiety and off feeling, I feel like I've been awakened and I want atonement. I'm not the man I feel like I deserve/should be. I know how to be. What I am. I haven't had the urge to drink despite my heightened anxiety. I'm so disgusted with myself but I feel hopefull at the same time. I am extremely angry with myself and I deserve any discomfort that I have brought upon myself.

Whatever is going on in my mind, whether it's the SSRI or not, I don't care anymore. I'd rather suffer through this than turn back to hard drugs and booze. They just create false feelings. Whatever is going on I hope it continues. I'd like the perceived SSRI side effects to go away of course.

It's so nice to be able to talk on here and not feel judged. I've never come close to opening up to anyone like this. Thank you all.

15-03-16, 13:27
My god, I haven't slept more than an hour per night since Thursday.