View Full Version : Is it normal to get sore throats on one side only?

12-03-16, 04:41
So I've had throat irritation for ages (months) and my GP has looked at my throat >10 times and said that it looks fine. It's been irritated on the right side only and all - sometimes my throat gets super irritated to the point where my voice gets hoarsey.

Being in my early 20s, and being a non-smoker and non-drinker, even though my HA points to throat cancer as the diagnosis, I know logically speaking this is not the case. I know I have excessive stomach acid production (gastritis), I snore and I have allergies and thus I breathe through my nose. So if I'm thinking about it logically, it seems like a chronic allergy problem which has caused irritation of my throat.

I've noticed that I've had infections (cold) where my throat gets sore. However, what is unusual is taht it seems like it is only my left side (opposite side) throat is sore... Is this normal? Like I understand that colds and viruses can cause sore throat on one side, but multiple colds causing it only on one side gets me a little worried :(

12-03-16, 07:33

My ex hubby had gastric problems like you and always complained of sore throats (one sided). He worried himself that he had cancer and we visited ENT specialists etc who found nothing untoward. That was 25 years ago. He accepts that it's part of his impressive range of symptoms that come and go.

You've already done the logical stuff. You snore and have allergies - both will cause soreness in the throat. When I get hayfever, I get a sore throat. I sometimes get one sided sore throats for no apparent reason although there will be one. I've been told I snore but I deny that profusely.:lac:

All the best.

12-03-16, 09:44
I don't know if it is normal, but I get it. I also have acid reflux and never thought to tie it to that. Mine is on the left-side. And it is the same side I had a tooth extracted a couple of months ago.