View Full Version : L-lysine for anxiety?

12-03-16, 06:00
Hi everyone, I was wondering had anyone here ever used L-lysine for anxiety?
My mum has some which she takes for her shingles (as it's good for shingles apparently). So I looked into the benefits of l-lysine and it mentioned it was good for anxiety? No idea if this is true but I have been taking some anyway.

Has anyone had any experience with l-lysine? :D

14-03-16, 21:54
No personal experience, but I've just done a Google search and found loads of positive results. That's interesting, because when you search most treatments and medications, you might get a few positive headlines followed by loads of horror stories from users.

There are some things to be aware of though: L-lysine can make cholsterol problems somewhat worse (if you have any), and you might struggle to get the specific dose you need. If you can't find your exact dose, look for the closest dose that is LOWER, not higher, than the dose you need. It won't poison you if you take too much but it's not going to be super-healthy.

I might talk to someone about this as it sounds like it might be helpful for my ADHD, since it treats anxiety and OCD symptoms. Thanks for bringing this up!

EDIT: Also be aware that longer term use may result in upset stomachs and diarrhea. Do not combine it with calcium supplements as this may affect your health by increasing calcium levels too high, which can cause unpleasant symptoms.

15-03-16, 01:22
No personal experience, but I've just done a Google search and found loads of positive results. That's interesting, because when you search most treatments and medications, you might get a few positive headlines followed by loads of horror stories from users.

There are some things to be aware of though: L-lysine can make cholsterol problems somewhat worse (if you have any), and you might struggle to get the specific dose you need. If you can't find your exact dose, look for the closest dose that is LOWER, not higher, than the dose you need. It won't poison you if you take too much but it's not going to be super-healthy.

I might talk to someone about this as it sounds like it might be helpful for my ADHD, since it treats anxiety and OCD symptoms. Thanks for bringing this up!

EDIT: Also be aware that longer term use may result in upset stomachs and diarrhea. Do not combine it with calcium supplements as this may affect your health by increasing calcium levels too high, which can cause unpleasant symptoms.

Oh wow, I hope it is some help to you :)

I think my cholesterol is alright, but I am having blood tests soon anyway, I suppose it's worth a shot anyway :)

16-03-16, 00:10
Please post and let us know if you try it. Good luck!

16-03-16, 05:40
It's an essential amino acid so you will already be taking it in from your food as you need it. So, the question might just be how much is too much to be healthy and at what point do the mental health benefits kick in (should be under the unhealthy part).