View Full Version : Am i imagining things?

12-03-16, 13:25
First of all, hello, and thank you for reading this post.

For the past couple of days I've had several symptoms that just keep coming and going. For example: weak elbows/kneed, trouble breathing, feeling like my throat is tighter, muscle under my armpit hurts (sometimes) and finally a chest bone hurts when i press it but I don't even feel it if i don't apply any pressure.
The thing is, I'm a hypochondriac and after reading a couple of Online articles was stupid enough to research lung cancer (I'm 20). Now at this point i got a blood test and everything was perfect and the doctor said that i have a mild vocal cord inflammation And I'm gonna get a chest X-ray in a few days.
All I want to know if it is possible to imagine those symptoms. The weak knee/arm part only started after I learned that that might me a possible symptom of lung cancer. The constant fear is taking over my life to the point of me being unable to talk/think about anything else.
All in all it started a week ago When I suddenly at 3o'clock in the morning had the feeling of a tight throat/suffocationg/something being in my throat. Now this has happened quite a few times over the past couple of years. For example: it was mostly me feeling a tight throat for about 30min-1h but a month ago it started with me feeling the same things coupled with something sharp in my throat. That was the first time it went to that extent and it lasted around 5 hours. Now it started again and it's been lasting for 8 days with the sharp thingy in my throat being gone by now and the tight throat feeling only occurs occasionally. I just don't know if I'm going crazy or if I'm just imagining all of this.

I don't know if this is posted into the right section since i'm new to this forum if not sorry. And finally sorry for the grammatical errors english is not my main tongue.

12-03-16, 13:55
Based on my personal experience, anxiety can make you think literary anything. For you it might be these symptoms.

13-03-16, 16:48
Your brain can play all kinds of tricks to make you believe that what you're experiencing is a Psychical problem when it is in fact not. True story: When I was a kid I used to believe that my head was going to fall off. It's seems extremely silly to think that now, but my mind was so focused on this fear that it could pull off any trick in the book to make me believe that it was going to happen. It just goes to show that the mind is a powerful thing.

17-03-16, 09:01
Experienced all these and more for a long long time and still around so hopefully you will be ok. Its miserable and aI hate it so much .