View Full Version : dent in thigh :( als mnd

12-03-16, 14:39
I'm freaking out I don't no weather its been there the whole time but I've got a dent in my right thigh .i have health anxiety and obv I'm conscious of my body more but its there and I'm petrified I've got als or mnd has anyone else got a dent in there leg please ��

---------- Post added at 14:39 ---------- Previous post was at 14:21 ----------

Please anyone

12-03-16, 14:43
Is it horizontal? I have a dent in my thigh and remember telling a relative who said I should go to GP which freaked me out. I was told it was simply a variation. That was her exact words. Nothing to worry about

Catherine S
12-03-16, 15:51
It's teatime in UK Beckie, perhaps keekee is making tea for her family right now. I'm sure she'll answer when she can so try not to be so aggressive ok? She also has problems of her own remember.


12-03-16, 15:53
I actually just went on another site and it said about leaning against things for long periods of time to case a dent .and the only thing I could think of was I lean sideways on that leg against the bath to bend over left to put my makeup on in the mirror and I've just been upstairs and the spot where the dent is matches up to the lining of the bath so I'm wondering weather that's what's have caused it.i. Really disappointed in myself as taking the meds was a big step for me and I've been doing better but this has set me way back :(

---------- Post added at 15:53 ---------- Previous post was at 15:52 ----------

Perhaps yes and it wasn't aggressive.

Catherine S
12-03-16, 15:58
You can have anxiety issues and go on lots of different forums to ask about them, but please don't be rude towards someone, despite her own issues tries her best to comfort you. You cannot keep shouting if people don't answer you straight away. Not fair. That's all i'm saying.


12-03-16, 16:00
It wasn't meant to be rude obviously came across that way. I'm not starting a row so let's leave it like that .

Catherine S
12-03-16, 16:02
I agree, and at least the mystery with the dent in your thigh has been solved, so that's good.


12-03-16, 16:04
Well I'm guessing that's what it's from but I wud of thought it wud go as if you sleep on something and have marks on u then they disappear if u see what I mean.but it pretty much there I mean I do lean against it everyday so weather it's just dented that way I dunno?

12-03-16, 17:02
I no they can I totally agree.i no I've been better .just my meds haven't kicked in yet so my anxiety still high.

12-03-16, 19:13
My dent was just over half the width of my thigh and was horizontal. It was my right thigh then quite a while later both.
I had them for a couple of years but no longer have them and think it's because I gained and lost a stone when going on and coming off Paroxetine.
We all are differently shaped and being thin or not so thin can have an impact on how our bodies look.

12-03-16, 21:23
I think mines from leaning every morning against my bath �� I went upstairs and the dent was exactly where I lean against the bath so I'm hoping its that

13-03-16, 06:22
I went upstairs and the dent was exactly where I lean against the bath so I'm hoping its that

Think of it another way, what are the chances of your having something which has caused a dent in your thigh that ALSO exactly matches that area you lean against. How likely are both of those to collide to occur like this?

It seems like you are trying to rationalise it as you came up with this possibility quite quickly and seem to be trying to accept it. So, don't be annoyed with yourself that you have reacted because you are also changing what you do with the reaction and before you weren't, so this is progress.

13-03-16, 07:45
Thankyou terri appreciate your reply

13-03-16, 11:21
Glad to see things slowly improving for you you are doing really well. Keep going!

13-03-16, 12:21
Thankyou hopefulmi

15-03-16, 17:04
It doesn't happen like that. The whole muscle gets smaller in ALS. My husband has a dent in his calf muscle, nothing to worry about, as long as he can move his foot. If you can move your feet then you're fine :)

15-03-16, 19:24
Ok thanks Pope :( appreciate your message