View Full Version : i have been on Citalopram for 12 weeks now........

03-03-07, 14:04
i have been on Citalopram for 12 weeks now i feel a bit
better but i do still get Extremely BAD anxiety &
depression :-( should they be helping me by now?
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i have been on Citalopram for 12 weeks now - should
they be helping by now?

03-03-07, 14:13
Hi there

This is a hard one really cos the doctors told me I had to give the meds at LEAST 6 months to have the full effect.

I did that and still felt no better in terms of the panic and anxiety so I came off them 9 years ago and haven't bothered since.

03-03-07, 14:15
You only need to post this message in one place - I have removed the other duplicate threads.


03-03-07, 14:18
Most anti-depressants don't tend to have much effect until you've been taking them for at least a month, and even then, the improvements are gradual. As Nic said, it generally takes about six months for the real effects to show, so I wouldn't panic too much if I were you. Are you taking up any other forms of treatment such as CBT/counselling to help tackle the cause of your symptoms?

14-08-09, 13:42
i have been on citalopram for almost for almost two weeks against my better judgement i dont feel myself at all quite scared i seem alot more anxious

14-08-09, 15:05
Thats perfectly normal to feel like that .It can increase your symptoms for 2-3 weeks sometimes 4.Its got to get into your system .But it will get better .Check out the Citalopram sub Forum ,there are a lot of people going through this .Hope you feel better soon Sue x