View Full Version : Did I have a Stroke?

12-03-16, 22:54
Hello, I'm new to NMP and have been worried about something that happened today in the morning. Well first off here's some background - I've been dealing with anxiety over health issues for about 3 months now from fear of appendicitis to blood clots. I've had an Ultrasound for my abdomen/pelvis, blood work done, EKG done for a fear of heart attack at age of 19 and those came back normal. My blood work was fairly recent showing that my cholesterol is normal, blood sugar fine and no abnormalities aside from a need for Vitamin D for my bones. My doctor doesn't seem to think I need an MRI at all but now I feel like I do. I'm currently 20 and there isn't any history of heart disease in my family aside from an Aunt who was born with a defect. I don't have any history of high blood pressure either.

Anyway - today I woke up from sleep and felt like the of my head/hair was either oily/greasy from bad washing or wet. I was half asleep but felt that my pillow wasn't wet seeing I used it again and that my head stayed dry. Later when I woke up fully I went directly to google trying to find out what was wrong and just searched wet hair when waking up and it lead to a result of excessive sweating which could be related to strokes. This scared intensely since I heard stress can cause these along with other risk factors.

Well, I just don't know if I did or if it's even likely seeing my medical tests have come out fine aside from a lacking MRI I want to get done.

Am I just over thinking?

12-03-16, 23:05
I don't think you had a stroke without knowing. I have woke up sweating before, it's been recently. I too am worried about heart related stuff and no heart issues run in my family. I think when they ask about family with issues they are referring to grand parents and father and mom. Idk about aunts. I just remember filling out paper And it asked about mom and dad and grand parents.

And don't google! It leads to anxiety. Or more anxiety. That's what I did and after a week of it I was at the ER for chest pains and panic attacks. People can have panic attacks that wake them up. Or sweat because of dreams and nightmares.

12-03-16, 23:35
Yeah I understand that but I wasn't so sure seeing it has't really been warm recently and I have been dealing with strange symptoms for the few weeks but my doctor says I'm fine. I even know when I thought I was having a heart attack the doctor at the hospital told me it was really unlikely for me even if there was a history.

I'm still scared though - because it makes me think I can't go to sleep now.

12-03-16, 23:55
I'm no doctor but sounds like bad case of anxiety. I was where I could not sleep for anything for like 2 weeks. Even taking sleep aid of only sleep like 2-3 hours a night. Luckily I got to where I can sleep all night again it was getting bad. When I went to the ER the doctor didn't seem too worried either and the EKG they did on me had low t wave or t waves. And only way I knew that is I called the main guy over the ER few days later after I calmed down some. The doctor who seen me at the ER said I was fine that all my blood work came back fine. And when I asked about the EKG he just said some variables are not uncommon. He didn't ever recommend me following up with anyone or change way I eat or recommend me work out or anything. When he mention a follow up he said he put his doctor down in case I need more pills but he don't see the need in it. That was his exact words. It still worrys me some but all my family and ER doctor all say I'm fine.
I mean I don't know why he would lie or see reason for it and I don't think he would have let me leave if something was really wrong and not run more test on me or keep me over night. Even if he saw slightest worry he should have recommended me see a cardiologist. But instead I got you can follow up if you want but I don't see needs in it. And I need to work on my stress.

He put generalized anxiety on my dispatch papers.

13-03-16, 00:03
If it was, it was the mildest ever documented ;) Being that you're posting about it on an anxiety forum, your age, much known medical facts about stroke, I'd place my bets on something benign and anxiety related.

Positive thoughts

13-03-16, 00:04
And I have been dealing with feeling heartbeat through out my body sometimes and twitch like random on legs and arms. It sucks I don't remember ever feeling this way before I started googling crap online. I went from my teeth to acid reflux which I did had bad that week I was super stressed. To throat cancer to heart disease. Then while I was at the ER when he told me he was going to check my thyroid and see if I was anemic. Before he got back with results I thought I had thyroid cancer I was telling my family that in ER room. I was in panic mode almost that whole day I really felt like I was dying and wasn't even going to make it to the ER.

I feel like I'm super sensitive to
My body now. And my heart beat. I feel it in my hands my feet if I put them together with no shoes on.

Gary A
13-03-16, 00:04
No you didn't have a stroke. Night sweats can happen for a whole host of reasons. You might even have had a bad dream and don't remember it. There really is no need to worry about a stroke or anything remotely sinister simply because you had a bit of sweating in your sleep.

13-03-16, 00:06
If it was, it was the mildest ever documented ;) Being that you're posting about it on an anxiety forum, your age, much known medical facts about stroke, I'd place my bets on something benign and anxiety related.

Positive thoughts

I agree. I would think you would know. Stroke kills and messed with brain cells some come back I have heard. Sweating in sleep is pretty common I think everyone has done it before. And lots of things can cause you to sweat. Just increase heart rate could cause you to sweat and dreams increase your heart rate by up to 35% I have read.

13-03-16, 04:51
If you are prone to bouts of anxiety, they are worse in the morning due to a stress hormone called cortisol. This stress hormone ususally is higher in the early am hours and if you are prone to anxiety and panic attacks sweating and waking up drenched is very common. If you had a stroke you would most likely feel completely numb only on one side of your body (face, arms, legs, torso). You would be very confused (remember, confusion can also be a symptom of anxiety) but I mean VERY CONFUSED for a stroke, you would have trouble walking or not be able to walk at all. Sweating is a VERY COMMON SYMPTOM of anxiety along with hot flashes/chills, ect. You are VERY young. I am 32 and suffered with severe health anxiety and hypochondria for over a year and it nearly ruined my life. Anxiety can affect you physically in many ways, it can even increase your heart rate with PVCs, which are skipped heart beats due to stress. They can be scary but they are NOT DANGEROUS. Please don't let this scare you. You are too young to be worrying. Enjoy your youth and your life. Here is a list of symptoms people can experience from anxiety along with sweating:

Numbness and tingling
Chest pain
Neck tension
Stomach upset, nervous stomach
Pulsing in the ear
Burning skin
Fear of impending doom
Shortness of breath
Electric shock feeling
Shooting pains in the face
Heart palpitations
Weakness in legs
Feeling like you are going crazy
Inability to rest
Sleep problems

I really hope it helps and please try not to worry. Anxiety can make you feel many things but remember, what you are feeling cannot harm you. Feel better and try to relax :)

---------- Post added at 23:51 ---------- Previous post was at 23:48 ----------

I had a bad dream early in the morning, around 6 a.m.....woke up sweating like crazy with Palpitations/increased heart rate along with PVCs. It's very common for panic/anxiety sufferers!

13-03-16, 04:57
Hopefully it can cause minor twitching I been getting a lot of those lately. Might be due to not eating or drinking enough.