View Full Version : Right eye blurry

12-03-16, 23:25
I'm freaking out right now I was kinda close to the tv messing with it and them my right eye started seeing flashes. I can see out of it but I keep seeing flashes almost like a kaleidoscope. I e had a headache on hat side all day( which is gone now) but I'm in full on panic about my eye. I'm debating on making my husband take me to ER help!

12-03-16, 23:47
migraine aura , my husband had the same thing yesterday , cover your other eye with your hand and see if it cures it . He was told to do that and it works .

12-03-16, 23:51
It seems a little better. So scary. I've had a Terrible pain over my right eye all day. I was doing so good with my anxiety and worries :/

13-03-16, 00:00
It seems a little better. So scary. I've had a Terrible pain over my right eye all day. I was doing so good with my anxiety and worries :/

I'm pleased its getting better it is migraine aura by the sound of it and it usually lasts for about 20 minutes and the sight returns to normal.

You need to look at what you're eating and drinking , additives can cause this and especially aspartame and high fructose corn syrup .


13-03-16, 00:06
Yes I know that but we don't eat that crap. I have no idea what's causing them but I hate it

13-03-16, 00:09
there is also an additive in bread from supermarkets called calcium proprionate which causes migraine aura, sometimes it just happens no matter what we do to try and avoid it . I have had them for 26 years i hate them they scare me half to death and can't function for days for the fear .

13-03-16, 02:39
Did t know about that one i will look into it. Our daughter is sensitive to sugars and processes stuff so we keep as much as we can out of the house.