View Full Version : Former Hypochondriac Here to Help all of you

13-03-16, 05:19
I used to constantly worry about my health. One week I was convinced I had a brain anyerisum, the next week it was MS, the week after that it was a stroke, the next week it was heart failure, the next week it was something else! I would OBSESSIVELY search google for every little symptom I was feeling that was wrong. I was hypersensitive to every little feeling in my body and would drive myself and everyone around me completely nuts!

It was a long journey for me and after numerous testing, trips to the ER and therapy, I finally accepted the fact that physically, anxiety can cause a lot of concern regarding health issues. I have experienced every palpitation, hot/cold flash, buzzing and electric feeling through my body, adrenaline rush ....you name it, everything. I am here to help those who suffer from health anxiety realize physically what anxiety can do to you and that it is NOT HARMFUL. It used to drive me insane when family members would tell me "It's all in your head" because it is not, physical symptoms of anxiety are very real and it is a real disorder but it is the way you cope with it that makes it manageable. If you realize that it physically CANNOT HARM YOU then the easier it will be and you will begin to see your panic attacks lessen and your worries lessen. Here is a list of physical symptoms of anxiety and again, they are not harmful. Also, please keep in mind that if you experience PVCs and palpitations resulting from anxiety, 99 percent of the time, they are benign and are not harmful. In very rare cases, there is a MINOR cardiac issue called mitral valve prolapse which is NOT life threatening and can be managed and not interfere with your life and health. Please see below what anxiety can feel like physically (this is a short list):

intense feeling of doom and gloom
racing heart
heart palpitations
nervous stomach
feeling like you are about to lose control
feeling like you are about to go crazy
feeling overwhelmed
sudden and strong urge to escape
heightened fear and apprehension
increased stimulation
pins and needles
throat tightness
muscle weakness
weak in the knees
super sensitive senses and nerves
brain zaps
electric currents running through your body
buzzing in chest head and other places
numbness and tingling anywhere on the body
feeling suffocated
trouble swallowing
knots in stomach
weight loss/weight gain
hot and cold flashes
depersonalization (which is a feeling like you are out of your body and floating)
waking up in a sweat
waking up with palpitations
muscle pains, especially in your back, neck or anywhere else

Please hang in there. What cured me of my health anxiety, which I would recommend to all of you is get a full physical/well visit. Get blood work done. Whatever you are particularly worried about (in my case, it was my heart) go see a specialist and you will feel better once you see physically you are fine.

I know how hard it can be, I went through it. As you can see, if there was something wrong with me, I would not be writing this post right now! Hang in there and please feel free to message me or reply with questions. I am here for all of you.

13-03-16, 05:31
Great post. I am new to it all. Less than 2 months with it and I hate it. I have been to the ER back in jan with chest pains and doctor acted like I was fine And sent me on
My way saying generalized anxiety. I got another dr appointment with a dr my moms been using for 15 years wensday I am hoping it goes good. The ER doctor said I could follow up if I need to but he doesn't see the need. I am going to another doctor for me not the ER doctor. I might need some medication to help me or just another person to reassure me I am ok that the symptoms I am feeling are anxiety. I get random twitches that are like 1-2 seconds long in arms and legs and feet and hands. And I get palpitations some and I must be super sensitive to my heart beat I feel it in my hands and throughout my body sometimes.

I want to get better and get better fast. Everyone around me tells me I am fine it's all in my head I want to believe that and move on with my life.

13-03-16, 05:42
You are going to be ok. These are all classic anxiety symptoms. I am not a health professional. You can take my advice but I suggest you make an appointment with your primary doctor to start before doing what I say. Here is what I recommend.

As I mentioned, go to your primary doctor for a full physical. Get a referral from your doctor to see a cardiologist since you are concerned about your heart (just as I was) to get a clean bill of health.

Now, you need to deal with how to manage your anxiety symptoms. Make an appointment with a psychiatrist. Discuss a medication plan to manage your anxiety symptoms. Most important: Make sure you DO NOT have a history of bipolar. The reason I say this is for anxiety, you will most likely be prescribed an antidepressant, which is an SSRI (Serotonin Inhibitor). If you have a history of bipolar mania, taking an antidepressant can induce mania and cause issues down the line. If you do not have bipolar mania than I would consider an antidepressant (paxil, Zoloft, Effexor, ect). Discuss with the psychiatrist the side effects and make sure you are comfortable. If your doctor recommends a benzodiazepine (Xanax, Klonopin, Valium, ect) keep in mind that they can become habit forming and they are a controlled substance. Speak to your doctor (if recommended you take it) to take on an AS NEEDED basis, DO not take it daily. Benzos are very hard to come off of and you can experience unpleasant withdrawal symptoms.

Before taking any medication, make sure you are fully aware of what you are taking, the risks and benefits, the side effects and how easy or difficult it will be coming off the medication.

I have been through it all and I completely understand what you are going through. Hang in there. It will be ok. Remember, these are just feelings you are getting and they cannot harm you. It will be ok and you will be fine.

13-03-16, 06:13
Yeah I never have been the type to take pills I hate them and don't even like taking aspirin. But I might need some to help me get over it.

Well the problem about seeing tons of doctors is I don't have health insurance. My ER bill was $3400 out of my pocket. And he didn't seem worried at all and at my hospital they have someone look over the EKG's and x rays the next day besides the ER doctor which looks at them at time you are there. Well if they find anything of worry or that doctor didn't catch or whatever they will call you. Few days later I called the manager over the ER department and talked with him for around 30 mins. I made sure who else looked over my stuff and it was a cardiologist. They have to sign off on it before it is documented. The main guy over ER said my EKG look identical to his.

The doctor that saw me at the ER when I went said his exact words that I could follow up with a dr he uses if I want for more pills but he doesn't see the need In it. Because I didn't have a family dr. That's one reason I am going to DR my moms been using for 15 years is to get on a set DR that I can go see when stuff comes up.

The ER doctor didn't seem worried at all. I know heart issues do not run in my family and neither does high blood pressure or diabetes. Cancer does though :(.

I feel like if the ER doctor would seen anything or thought anything would be wrong in future he would have ran more test or kept me overnight or recommend me seeing a cardiologist. Or the cardiologist that looked mine over the next day would called me back saying I should go see one or have more test ran. I know they don't take chest pains or heart related stuff lightly in the ER. But I can't afford to have a bunch of test ran if they don't see a need in it. Sucks not having insurance.

But the dr I am going to see this week is suppose to be a damn good DR and I'm hoping everything goes good and I can get on something to help when I need it. I don't want to take pills forever and I don't want to get addicted to anything.

I don't drink, smoke or do any drugs. (Not even weed once).

---------- Post added at 06:02 ---------- Previous post was at 05:57 ----------

And as far as I know I don't have history of bi polar or any other medical issue. I never been type to go to doctor and last time I think I was at hospital was when I had pneumonia when I was 16. Actually I was in the hospital on my 16th birthday because of it. Sad huh lol.

I am now 32. And went to the ER a day after my birthday this year.

---------- Post added at 06:13 ---------- Previous post was at 06:02 ----------

What's weird I never felt any syptoms till I started googling ( which doctor told me not to be doing). I was fine then started worrying about my acid reflux that kicked up the week I started stressing and then thought I had throat cancer then heart disease. Which after a week of that and anxiety and couple panic attacks later I ended up at the ER. When the doctor was checking all my blood work and my thyroid and see if I was anemic I thought I had thyroid cancer before he even got back to the room.

It's crazy I was so normal a week before this and everything just kept escalating by reading so much crap online and getting the syptoms. The chest pains went down to barely any after I left the ER. But I still having other syptoms.

13-03-16, 06:33
My health anxiety started when I decided to go on web md and started googling everything I was feeling. All I can tell you is STOP NOW. Do you live in the United States? If you do, apply for Medicaid. It is free health insurance and will cover your psychiatrist visits. Benzos can be challenging to get off of so as I mentioned, only take them as needed and no more than three days in a row. Antidepressants are easier to get off of, you just have to get off slow. They will start you off on a low dose and gradually increase it then once you are getting better, they will gradually decrease it. As far as the acid reflux, I have it too and guess what it is usually caused from....stress!!! Just try and relax. As the ER doctor stated, if there was anything that concerning with your heart, they would have ran mandatory further testing and you would be referred to a cardiologist immediately after they discharged you. I promise you that you will be fine. Try to stay away from the internet, even if it is going on youtube because (I know from my experience) you may go online to do fun things but the temptation is there to get side tracked and start googling and searching about what you are feeling. Also, if it was anything that concerning, you would most likely collapsed or fainted. Panic and anxiety will NEVER cause you to faint. You may feel faint or lightheaded but you will never pass out from it. Cardiac events, seizures and all that fun stuff usually cause people to loose consciousness. Listen to your doctors....stop googling looking for what things might be and also feel reassured that if they did not want to do further testing, there is nothing to worry about. As I mentioned in my article, anxiety physically can do a lot of strange things to you. The worst thing that ever happened to me were the heart feelings like my heart skipping beats and pumping really hard as well as the electric shock feelings, which are actually adrenaline running through your body from the hormone cortisol. JUST THIS ONCE, go on google and research cortisol. It explains a lot how it affects your stress response and it will help you understand what is going on in your mind and body. Anxiety is actually a hormonal imbalance that causes NOT HARMFUL events. Even better, ask your doctor when you see him to explain to you cortisol. I HATE taking meds. I am taking klonopin daily (which I do regret doing because it is going to be difficult coming off, and I also take Risperdal for my bipolar mania). They do help me greatly.

I wish you the best of luck and if you need help I am here. I promise everything is going to be ok! Stay off the internet and try to do things you enjoy to side track the physical symptoms of anxiety. You will be fine.

---------- Post added at 01:33 ---------- Previous post was at 01:32 ----------

I just saw your profile, you are in the United States....please apply for Medicaid so if/when you take medication to control anxiety it is covered. You will be fine.

13-03-16, 06:59
Yeah idk if I will qualify for any assistants I made good money last year working 60-72 hours a week. But quit in October because it was way too many hours and I don't have kids or anything so I didn't need all the extra money.

And I haven't googled anything in atleast week and half. I only get on here now days. I know that Google and webmd are bad and they got me like this which sucks. Yeah I am
Going to see what the DR says. I'm not as bad as I was I don't think about it all the time. But I do still have my low points and think I'm dying.

13-03-16, 07:07
You will qualify for Medicaid. that was income from last year. I would definetly apply. Just keep online limited to forums like this that will reassure you nothing bad is going to happen. Keep us updated what the doctor says (which I am positive everything will be fine) You will get through it like I did. I went through it over a year, don't make the same mistake !!! Keep us updated :yesyes:

13-03-16, 07:26
You will qualify for Medicaid. that was income from last year. I would definetly apply. Just keep online a limited to forums this that will reassure you nothing bad is going to happen. Keep us updated what the doctor says (which I am positive everything will be fine) You will get through it like I did. I went through it over a year, don't make the same mistake !!! Keep us updated :yesyes:

Will do. and thanks for the advice. And I hope I can get over it very soon. These little twitches really annoy me.
Also thanks for the confidence boost about my dr appointment. Everyone around me says it will be fine but being anxious just makes me worry.

13-03-16, 08:52
This post was really helpful to me also. The hospital said that my EKG and blood tests look fine and assured me it's a few things. Acid reflux, which can mimic quite a bit they said, and my tensions like the one in my head which makes me think crazy things is actually likely muscle tension including the twitch, and also said that I have extreme anxiety. And of the things they did believe was the matter, anxiety seemed to be their main concern. I'm 24 by the way! Also, I actually have to take BP meds, but when they checked it, they said it was well under control and they've no reason to be concerned about it. I'm overweight and kinda told that too contributes to the acid reflux and also the muscle thing.

13-03-16, 08:55
Glad I was able to help you. I have been there. What you are telling me is exactly what the doctors told me when I was going through it and just did not accept the fact that it was truly anxiety and nothing was wrong. I also have acid reflux caused by stress and it also is a factor in my pvcs/skipped heart beats. I really hope you listen to the doctors, listen to me and TRULY BELIEVE FOR YOURSELF that it is anxiety. All the tests came back normal. You truly have to believe that. Don't suffer the way I did. If you need more help, I'm here for you. :) When you say BP Meds, do you mean bipolar disorder? Please keep in mind that Antidepressants can induce a manic episode if you have bipolar. Im not sure what you meant by BP, I am assuming bipolar. Just be careful with antidepressants. Talk it over with your doctor.

13-03-16, 09:58
I've PMed you!

20-03-16, 21:02
New symptom this week that turned out to be nothing more than anxiety - pricking feeling all over my skin followed by itching. I knew it was anxiety but I brought it up in small talk with my psychiatrist this weekend and she confirmed, just merely anxiety! Another new symptom for me but figured to share in case anyone else it getting it and scared

21-03-16, 01:43
New symptom this week that turned out to be nothing more than anxiety - pricking feeling all over my skin followed by itching. I knew it was anxiety but I brought it up in small talk with my psychiatrist this weekend and she confirmed, just merely anxiety! Another new symptom for me but figured to share in case anyone else it getting it and scared

Thank you for sharing. I'm been having a similar pain (sort of like being pricked by a needle) I've chalked it up to anxiety but it's nice to know I'm not the only one. 🙂