View Full Version : Vision, please read?

13-03-16, 06:27
Hello all, I was just wondering if anyone has experienced anything similar.

Recentlg I've been super worried about everything relating to my eyes. I've noticed a few things and I'd love to hear if anyone of you have had any similar things happen :)

1. Sometimes I will notice small little pin pricks of either white/light or black in my vision. They happen in both eyes, different spots, last for only a second or two, and then disappear. They're super tiny little dots and I only get them one at a time, I can't figure out why they happen or what causes them. They're completely random.

2. Sometimes I get spots that look bright or lighter colored than the surrounding area. It's sort of like an afterimage from a flash or something but instead of being a darker or shadowed type of spot, it's brighter. I can see through the spot and I've had them in both eyes (one at a time). Sometimes they only last a few seconds, other times a few minutes but they always happen one at a time and go away soon after. They seem to happen either when I'm outside or looking at a bright screen.

3. I occasionally see a "flash" or "spot" of color, I've had blue, green, purple, and pink. earlier today, I looked up and for a brief maybe 1/4th of a second, saw a small blue spot in my vision, like everything in that area was tinted blue. But it went away so fast that it's almost like I imagined it. Last week I looked at a purple shirt, and for a split second it was green (the opposite!) before going back to normal.

4. Floaters that look like little o's or bubbles, all connected by strings and in both eyes (these are mainly just annoying, what do your floaters look like?)

Anyway, I just had my eyes checked about 2 weeks ago, everything was fine, I had my retinas checked as well. The only thing was that my eye pressures are just a tad high, but my eye doctor said it wasn't anything to worry about. I just have been noticing these symptoms and don't know if I'm over analyzing everything, noticing common things that everyone has, simply because I'm obsessing over them, or if there's really something wrong with my eyes (should I see a specialist?) or even worse, something neurological :(

Any feedback would be highly appreciated!!

13-03-16, 07:19
YEP had them all , the coloured spots the eye floaters, the camera after flashes , i have had worse but won't mention this as i don't want to stress you .

Had a thorough eye test including a retinal check like you and all perfect , so when i get these things i have to remind myself that it is anxiety that causes these symptoms and even some of the symptoms such as eye floaters are a part of getting older , in my opinion you don't have anything to worry about and if you can remind yourself that your eyes are perfect then the symptoms won't scare you or bother you as much .

13-03-16, 13:19
I have been getting the exact same eye symptoms as you! The little pin pricks of light that are white or black are the ones that worry me the most! I had an eye check last week and my opthalmologist looked at me like I was crazy when I was trying to describe this to him. I'm so glad someone else has the same thing! I've also been having other symptoms that Google has led me to believe could be related to a problem in my brain so reading that someone else has this same thing makes me feel better!

help me 21
15-03-16, 13:35

15-03-16, 13:48
Hey there Turbo...

Your eyes are your symptom du jour as your posts indicate. What you describe for the most part is common visual "static" so to speak that everybody gets. You're hyper-focused on your eyes and your anxiety amplifies the sensations.

Are you getting any help with your anxiety?

Positive thoughts

Eyes, Blurred vision, Eyes sensitive to light, Dry, watery or itchy eyes

What you feel:

You may see stars or movements out of the corner of your eyes that don't exist. You may also see flashing lights in your eyes or your vision may seem almost kaleidoscope-like. Sometimes you may feel that there is a dark object or something just on the outside edge of your vision, or that your vision is narrowing.

It seems your vision is blurry or out of focus, and it's more apparent now than before.

There are times when your eyes seem more sensitive to light than at others, even to a point of regular light being too bright so that you have to wear sunglasses or squint.

You feel as though your eyes are either always dry, constantly watering or itchy. And often, your eyes are red or 'glossy' looking. Even a good night's rest doesn't help.

Ciliary muscles relax – pupils dilate focusing on distant items sometimes disturbing your vision or allowing odd colours or floaters to be noticed.

What causes this:

Eyes are nerves. The nerves in the eyes send their information to the brain through the nervous system. When the nervous system is over active, the nerves in the eyes can play tricks on you which means we sometimes receive false information. These symptoms are some of the ways we receive this false information.

None of these symptoms are serious when they are attributed to anxiety disorder. However, it is important that you get a professional medical evaluation completed to ensure your condition is related to anxiety disorder.

17-03-16, 08:53
Hello all, I was just wondering if anyone has experienced anything similar.

Recentlg I've been super worried about everything relating to my eyes. I've noticed a few things and I'd love to hear if anyone of you have had any similar things happen :)

1. Sometimes I will notice small little pin pricks of either white/light or black in my vision. They happen in both eyes, different spots, last for only a second or two, and then disappear. They're super tiny little dots and I only get them one at a time, I can't figure out why they happen or what causes them. They're completely random.

2. Sometimes I get spots that look bright or lighter colored than the surrounding area. It's sort of like an afterimage from a flash or something but instead of being a darker or shadowed type of spot, it's brighter. I can see through the spot and I've had them in both eyes (one at a time). Sometimes they only last a few seconds, other times a few minutes but they always happen one at a time and go away soon after. They seem to happen either when I'm outside or looking at a bright screen.

3. I occasionally see a "flash" or "spot" of color, I've had blue, green, purple, and pink. earlier today, I looked up and for a brief maybe 1/4th of a second, saw a small blue spot in my vision, like everything in that area was tinted blue. But it went away so fast that it's almost like I imagined it. Last week I looked at a purple shirt, and for a split second it was green (the opposite!) before going back to normal.

4. Floaters that look like little o's or bubbles, all connected by strings and in both eyes (these are mainly just annoying, what do your floaters look like?)

Anyway, I just had my eyes checked about 2 weeks ago, everything was fine, I had my retinas checked as well. The only thing was that my eye pressures are just a tad high, but my eye doctor said it wasn't anything to worry about. I just have been noticing these symptoms and don't know if I'm over analyzing everything, noticing common things that everyone has, simply because I'm obsessing over them, or if there's really something wrong with my eyes (should I see a specialist?) or even worse, something neurological :(

Any feedback would be highly appreciated!!

I get all of this and more.. smokey vision and cloudy vision and different stuff but I have been told I need to see an eye doctor and well I missed my appointment so .. guess it is my fault.. Maybe most of it is anxiety and then again maybe not.. hope its nothing bad though

---------- Post added at 01:53 ---------- Previous post was at 01:51 ----------

Hey there Turbo...

Your eyes are your symptom du jour as your posts indicate. What you describe for the most part is common visual "static" so to speak that everybody gets. You're hyper-focused on your eyes and your anxiety amplifies the sensations.

Are you getting any help with your anxiety?

Positive thoughts

Eyes, Blurred vision, Eyes sensitive to light, Dry, watery or itchy eyes

What you feel:

You may see stars or movements out of the corner of your eyes that don't exist. You may also see flashing lights in your eyes or your vision may seem almost kaleidoscope-like. Sometimes you may feel that there is a dark object or something just on the outside edge of your vision, or that your vision is narrowing.

It seems your vision is blurry or out of focus, and it's more apparent now than before.

There are times when your eyes seem more sensitive to light than at others, even to a point of regular light being too bright so that you have to wear sunglasses or squint.

You feel as though your eyes are either always dry, constantly watering or itchy. And often, your eyes are red or 'glossy' looking. Even a good night's rest doesn't help.

Ciliary muscles relax – pupils dilate focusing on distant items sometimes disturbing your vision or allowing odd colours or floaters to be noticed.

What causes this:

Eyes are nerves. The nerves in the eyes send their information to the brain through the nervous system. When the nervous system is over active, the nerves in the eyes can play tricks on you which means we sometimes receive false information. These symptoms are some of the ways we receive this false information.

None of these symptoms are serious when they are attributed to anxiety disorder. However, it is important that you get a professional medical evaluation completed to ensure your condition is related to anxiety disorder.

Then I must have the worst nervous system on the planet or longest lasting migraines ever.. anyway hopefully nothing bad.. :roflmao:

27-03-16, 02:26
Omg you've described exactly what I've been going though. I started having these same eye symptoms in 2014. In the fall of 2013 I had my eyes checked and got new glasses, had the doctor looked at them everything seemed fine. Then in summer of 2014 I started seeing everything you described. I started seeing them after I experienced extreme depression and anxiety from the birth control I was on. I switched pills in August 2014 and felt a lot better, but I still always worry about my eyes and still have bad health anxiety. I always worry about getting cancer and dying. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer spring 2015. She's beat her cancer and is on the road to full recovery. But I still worry about it. I'm hypersensitive to every change in my body and have convinced myself I've had everything from MS to skin cancer. But back to my eyes. Having experienced the symptoms for two years, I guess if anything were majorly wrong things would have gotten a lot worse by now. If anything they have improved and I only notice them if I think about them. Except for the random black dots. Those still happen randomly that freak me out and lead me to google forums like this for reassurance. I also have had aniscoria my whole life, along with being very very farsighted. I just wish I could overcome this health anxiety. It's truly horrible:(

---------- Post added at 18:26 ---------- Previous post was at 18:07 ----------

I'll also add that I am 23 female in good health. 4'11 124lbs. I could be in better shape but I'm far from overweight since I carry most of my weight in my butt. I can't say for certain if I have good blood pressure or not because it skyrockets every time I got to the doctor for my annual. Always get super shaky and my heart starts racing. The doctors know me though and can tell I'm borderline panicking so I guess they assume it's much lower when I'm not in that state. I believe I experienced my first panic attack this past Christmas Eve. I had to put in a ton of hours of work to get commission for Christmas presents and head deadlines all the way up to Christmas Eve! I was working all morning then got off that afternoon to spend it with my family and extended family. I was so stressed about getting everything done before then. But as I was sitting there opening presents. I had this intense panicy feeling in my chest that came out of nowhere. My heart started racing and my head felt light and distant. Something was not right. I played it off like nothing was wrong but I was terrified I was having a heart attack or something. After a few minutes the room I was in cleared and it was just me and my boyfriend. I told him I felt really weird and he got me some water that I sipped on after about 5-10 minutes the feeling passed and I felt normal again. About 20 mins later the feeling started to creep back, but I took deep breaths, told myself everything was fine, and it backed off. Afterward o thought maybe it was just bad indegestion from the super spicy bbq ribs we had eaten at Christmas Eve. But of course being the health anxiety nut I am, I took a visit to Dr. Google and found that it sounded exactly like a panic attack. Which made perfect sense. I haven't had once since then but there is always the thought of it happening again that scares me. This is affecting my life because I can't commit to work like I did for fear of it stressing me out to that point again. I just wish I didn't think the way I do. Always thinking about something bad happening to me. I'm only 23 and I think about death like I'm someone in their 80s. It's not fair, but I've always been like this since I was a child. I want help, but I don't want people to think I'm mental. Idk, I probably sound mental rambling about this online to strangers on a post about floaters, but I just felt compelled to share this in case anyone else is going through it. :/

27-03-16, 03:29
YEP had them all , the coloured spots the eye floaters, the camera after flashes , i have had worse but won't mention this as i don't want to stress you .

Had a thorough eye test including a retinal check like you and all perfect , so when i get these things i have to remind myself that it is anxiety that causes these symptoms and even some of the symptoms such as eye floaters are a part of getting older , in my opinion you don't have anything to worry about and if you can remind yourself that your eyes are perfect then the symptoms won't scare you or bother you as much .

Wow I get all of this..and its ANXIETY????:doh:

29-03-16, 00:28
Thank you everyone for your replies and for sharing your stories with me! It's so nice to hear that I'm not alone, and so far all of us with these similar symptoms have had no problems! I've been having all these things for a few months now, and nothing has changed. That, paired with the fact that I had my eyes checked out, makes me almost certain it's nothing serious. I think we might all be hypersensitive :O It's hard not to worry sometimes, but I invested in a nice pair of prescription sunglasses which makes me notice all these things much less. I think my eyes are alright, I'm only 17 years old and perfectly healthy :)

29-03-16, 00:40
you had your pupils dilated?

29-03-16, 20:27
Thank you everyone for your replies and for sharing your stories with me! It's so nice to hear that I'm not alone, and so far all of us with these similar symptoms have had no problems! I've been having all these things for a few months now, and nothing has changed. That, paired with the fact that I had my eyes checked out, makes me almost certain it's nothing serious. I think we might all be hypersensitive :O It's hard not to worry sometimes, but I invested in a nice pair of prescription sunglasses which makes me notice all these things much less. I think my eyes are alright, I'm only 17 years old and perfectly healthy :)

I sometimes see my pulse in my vision if I stand up and sit down quickly. (Like getting up from sitting on the couch and walking to go to the bathroom) Kinda like the edges of my vision dim a little in time with my pulse. I also sometimes get visual snow if I look at a busy pattern or a rug that's shaggy. I get it in the dark too, like at night in a dark bedroom.

---------- Post added at 14:27 ---------- Previous post was at 14:26 ----------

I would say that 98% of the time my vision is fine with no problems, it's just occasionally these weird things happen that freak me out..

29-03-16, 23:48
you had your pupils dilated?

I had pictures taken of my retinas (I forget what this is called) but it's actually better than a dilation because it's more detailed, but for all intents and purposes, yes

17-04-16, 10:21
Oh, That's true, some of these, "You feel as though your eyes are either always dry, constantly watering or itchy. And often, your eyes are red or 'glossy' looking. Even a good night's rest doesn't help." I experience a lot since 3-4 months, as I had few small injuries, so by that I was too much concerned about my eye. As I read in many websites that if we ignore these signs or symptoms and don't consult to a doctor, we might get a big problem in our eyes. But if we clear that test after our doctor examined it, then we must leave all those worries behind! :)

27-04-16, 10:05
5 months ago I got eye floaters that I see constantly. This caused extreme anxiety and panic attacks! The last 2 weeks I also got a bright "afterimage" spot in my left eye, every time I blink. I went to the ophthalmologist and there was nothing wrong with my retina. But still it is very annoying when I work on the computer. I hope this will get better, because I suffer enough already from the eye floaters.

27-04-16, 21:02
A good way to get the floaters out of your vision is to look up and hold it for a moment, then look down and hold it. Do this a few times and usually the floaters move out of your central vision and become far less annoying.

20-05-16, 06:56
5 months ago I got eye floaters that I see constantly. This caused extreme anxiety and panic attacks! The last 2 weeks I also got a bright "afterimage" spot in my left eye, every time I blink. I went to the ophthalmologist and there was nothing wrong with my retina. But still it is very annoying when I work on the computer. I hope this will get better, because I suffer enough already from the eye floaters.

I get the same thing bright afterimage spot after blinking while looking at my phone screen. Very annoying! Doesn't happen too often though.