View Full Version : Health Anxiety Relapse

13-03-16, 21:18

It's very rare that I post on forums etc, but now I feel like I need to vent to someone who understands HA and what I'm currently going through.

I'll go from the start, around 6 years ago, I had to deal with the first death in the family, I lost my uncle to Cancer. He was only 53 years old. He had a fall and severely bruised all of his chest, after a short while he started suffering with black outs and collapsing randomly. He went to the doctor to get it checked out, he had various tests and the results came back as lung cancer. I was devastated. My only uncle was diagnosed with the big C.

To cut a long story short he went through chemo and beat it!!! He started to have radio and only 4 out of 6 treatments worked and they soon found it had travelled up to the brain. After a short battle he unfortunately lost his fight.

I think from losing my uncle, my health anxiety was triggered. I started really focusing on my health. I've self diagnosed many conditions with the assistance of dr Google! And last time it was really bad I even convinced a doctor to send me for a Mri as I though I had a brain tumour. This came back clear and I was getting headaches from the anxiety. Also I found a lump in my arm, I thought I had sarcoma, turns out to be a lymph node!

Just recently I have been focusing on my breathing, I've been quit smoking for 6 years this year and for no apparent reason I started thinking about lung cancer. With the assistance of Google I looked up symptoms and got myself into that much of a state by reading all the doom and gloom horror stories I went to the GP and told her my concerns. I told her all about my uncle, the anxiety I faced since and what I was feeling.

My Dr is really good, she made me feel comfortable, I've seen some doctors in the past and as soon as you mention you have health anxiety they roll their eyes and are like here we go again! But I changed doctors since then and my new one was great on this visit, she listened with empathy and understood the challenge I was facing. She was very willing to do a physical check. She checked blood pressure, pulse, listened to my lungs and checked my blood oxygen levels. All of which she said was fine and she was happy with what she checked and I went on my way.

Now 2 weeks later iv started thinking about lung c again and googling stories etc. Iv worked myself up into a state and just need some advise please.

I'm 28, ex smoker.

Thanks in advance


13-03-16, 21:28
Welcome and best thing you can start to do is not google anything. Pretty sure that is why I am here now is from the googling.

13-03-16, 21:44
Of course one should stay away from Dr. Google but realistically that rarely happens.

From what I've seen on the forums, Google is to HA what crack cocaine is to an addict. To just say don't google is like waving the drug in the person's face and expecting them not to take it.

What's more effective is therapy and/or meds to help manage the irrational thoughts and learn methods to deal with them when they arise.

Angler, you have a good GP from what you wrote. Perhaps you can ask for a referral for some CBT, one on one therapy and/or meds and get a grip on the dragon. You've had a traumatic experience which you state triggered your anxiety. Maybe talking through it and finding ways to accept it would be beneficial.

Positive thoughts