View Full Version : Pressure in head

14-03-16, 04:13
I keep getting feelings of pressure in my head. I first noticed it when I tried doing yoga for the first time in ages recently. Though that was only in positions where my head would be upside down - it would feel like the blood was rushing to my head really hard so would have to lift my head up. Right now I'm feeling pressure in my head at rest or with slight head movements. For example I was lying down and earlier and could feel general pressure around my head and then I sat up and it felt like all the pressure went to the top of my head. If I mvoe my head up and down I can feel it and it feels uncomfortable. I also have dull headaches, for example right now on my forehead.

I'm really worried I have a blood cot/air bubble/really high blood pressure or just someone wrong with my brain that could kill me :/

I'll add that I'm on Sertraline and have recently reduced my dose

Has anyone had anything like this or know what it could be?

14-03-16, 04:31
I'm not sure but if you need someone to talk to I am here

14-03-16, 04:42
Thank you, I really appreciate it. I think I am feeling a bit better now. If I continue to feel better I'm just going to sleep as it is nearly 5am here :/

14-03-16, 04:50
Yeah sleep is important. It's almost 1 am here