View Full Version : Is this my nerves??

14-03-16, 16:29
Ok so as you may or may not know I went to ER back in jan 28th this year. I started googling and using webmd and got myself really worked up which lead to chest pains and panic Attacks. Well after EKG and blood work doctor said I was fine and didn't even recommend me following up with anyone. He our generalized anxiety on my discharge papers.

Well like everyone else I didn't think I was totally fine and still don't. I'm now facing minor fast twitching or muscle spasms idk what it is. But it started in my legs around my calfs and now it has moved to my feet and I've felt it in palm of my hand once and arms some. But most of it is in lower legs and feet. I can feel it and I can see it.

I also change my total diet the week I went to the ER and I haven't been eating no where near as much as I use too. I mean I've cut of a ton of sodas I use to drink and only drink one now. And rest of day I drink water. I am down almost 25 pounds since around mid jan. I haven't felt like eating much most days but I am trying to eat better now days. And I been trying to excersice some also even though I don't get a lot of physical activity.

Anyways has anyone else experienced anything like this is it my nerves going crazy and firing randomly or what? It's the worse syptom I have and it's getting annoying. I don't remember ever having this before I went to the ER and started this whole anxiety stuff. It doesn't seem to do it if my muscles are tighten or I'm walking or doing whatever.

I am 32 don't smoke drink or do drugs.

14-03-16, 16:37
I had a permanent eye twitch for about two months when I was suffering severe anxiety following the end of my relationship and whilst my ex was making my life very difficult. I think it was a physical reaction to the extreme stress. It went away when things calmed down for me.

I guess your twitches could be brought on by your anxiety too.

14-03-16, 16:43
I had a permanent eye twitch for about two months when I was suffering severe anxiety following the end of my relationship and whilst my ex was making my life very difficult. I think it was a physical reaction to the extreme stress. It went away when things calmed down for me.

I guess your twitches could be brought on by your anxiety too.

Yeah I hope it's anxiety related or stress. Idk what it is but it seems to be getting worse. I go to the doctor this wen I hope it's nothing bad. I noticed it about a month ago just slightly in my calf muscles. First I noticed them moving then started to feel them move and now seems my feet are doing it a lot.

I just wanna be normal again. My family and gf say I'm fine. That everyone twitches but I've never experienced this before. Since I went to the ER about my heart I'm worried it's heart or blood related.

14-03-16, 19:10
Hi :) I totally have this. It started after a really stressful time. My eye started twitching, then my thigh. I then googled, and it all went crazy from that point. I was twitching everywhere. Sometimes I could even see the muscle contracting. If I tensed the muscle it would stop, but the second I relaxed the twitching was back. I eventually found a website called aboutbfs and this put my mid at ease. The twitching is called benign fasciculation syndrome and is harmless (apart from stressing people out). I have now had it for nearly two years. My twitches ebb and flow now. Please don't worry, it really is just an anxiety thing.

14-03-16, 19:16
Hi :) I totally have this. It started after a really stressful time. My eye started twitching, then my thigh. I then googled, and it all went crazy from that point. I was twitching everywhere. Sometimes I could even see the muscle contracting. If I tensed the muscle it would stop, but the second I relaxed the twitching was back. I eventually found a website called aboutbfs and this put my mid at ease. The twitching is called benign fasciculation syndrome and is harmless (apart from stressing people out). I have now had it for nearly two years. My twitches ebb and flow now. Please don't worry, it really is just an anxiety thing.

I concur. I read twitching was a symptom my "ailment of choice" and for the last several days noticed them in various places. Logically I'm chalking it up to heightened awareness and anxiety. Even as I type this I had one on my thigh lol

14-03-16, 19:28
I have had them literally everywhere....even got one inside my ear once....felt like I had a moth fluttering away in there. I feel for anyone who suddenly develops twitching as its so damn scary at first, but it really is just anxiety. I actually kind of enjoy the feeling of some of my twitches now and I never thought I would say that 2 years ago!

14-03-16, 20:04
I hope you guys are right but I really wish it would go away. Maybe it will if I eat more or lower my anxiety. I feel like a freak with all this twitching. Mine is not like muscle spasms I've had by over working a muscle or shying those tend to keep twitching for 20-30 seconds constant. Mine are just a second of two long and then vanish or may come back 10 seconds later or so for a second or two again.

14-03-16, 20:15
I can get a twitch that twitches once and then doesn't return, or they can be constant on and off for days at a time. Some days I get one single twitch, other days I have hundreds. Once I accepted it was just part of me, they gradually lessened. Thinking about them just made them worse for me.

14-03-16, 20:19
Yeah I mean mine will twitch throughout the day but it's fast random twitches not long steady ones. But they been twitching like crazy for past two days. From feet to lower legs to upper legs even feel them in butt cheek area few times. Even saw my palm twitch it made like a straight line from
My thumb to center of my hand it was freaky looking. But arms do it too.

It does make me feel better you say it's nothing bad. I kept thinking might be to do with my heart or blood flow. ( which is what I have anxiety about ).

14-03-16, 20:23
Yeah I mean mine will twitch throughout the day but it's fast random twitches not long steady ones. But they been twitching like crazy for past two days. From feet to lower legs to upper legs even feel them in butt cheek area few times. Even saw my palm twitch it made like a straight line from
My thumb to center of my hand it was freaky looking. But arms do it too.

It does make me feel better you say it's nothing bad. I kept thinking might be to do with my heart or blood flow. ( which is what I have anxiety about ).

Yup. I have fast moving random twitches as well. They last for just a second or two. :) ive had them for 3 days now.

I'd say the odds are that the two people on the anxiety forums with the exact same symptoms are likely attributed to anxiety. You never know of course but statistically speaking..

14-03-16, 20:24
Yup. I have fast moving random twitches as well. They last for just a second or two. :) ive had them for 3 days now.

Well it's good to know. Sometimes nothing twitches for hours other times it's like 100 twitches a hour.