View Full Version : More than one obsession?

14-03-16, 21:07
Hi, I recently was spiked by another post and wanted to ask, is it possible to obsess/have anxiety for more than one thing, I was recently spiked by something existential, but usually obsess over religious things?

14-03-16, 21:21
Hello, I have had several obsessions - health, harm ocd and a few religious. Sometimes it shifts or you just have more than one.

14-03-16, 23:13
You can obsess/have anxiety over almost anything. Anything that scares or frightens you I've found you can worry about it.

16-03-16, 09:29
Yes, definitely. My OCD was a great big mixture of things, often interlinked.

Some people are more obsessive to the Pure O, some are more compulsive and some (like me) are mixed.

I know from talking to lots of OCD sufferers since being here that some people have a very intense singular fear, some have multiples like me, and some have patterns where they drift from one form to another (often Pure O sufferers).

16-03-16, 20:19
Yeah, I tend to jump around quite a bit, with a focus on one that is often overtaken by another, and then back to the previous one haha.... Is it possible to get sudden urges for compulsive behaviour also? Was quite curious by this as aometimes I am spiked by videos online of people doing compulsive actions and feel an urge to do them myself:shrug:

17-03-16, 05:38
Yes, urges are part of compulsions in OCD.

Maybe it's a case of Mirroring?

Checkered Life
17-03-16, 05:59
Oh yeah, with OCD , you can have many obsessions going on once or back and forth. I experienced that for a good 6 yrs until I learned how to deal with it.

17-03-16, 10:54
Yes, urges are part of compulsions in OCD.

Maybe it's a case of Mirroring?

What is Mirroring?

18-03-16, 05:31
What is Mirroring?

The subconscious act of doing what someone else is doing i.e. imitating.

Maybe not in the case of OCD.