View Full Version : Mild headache issue again PLEASE respond

14-03-16, 21:13
I know I've typed here before about mild headache issues but I need to again. This has been going on intermittently for over 4 & 1/2 yrs as this began in July of 2011. Yes I've seen Drs & there is no clear explanation. With my dr I've explored various different headache types & there's no rhyme or reason to this. I just need to post this because every once in a while I get really panic stricken over this & begin catastrophizing. It's horrible to panic this way & I'm alone with most of this fear. My scalp seems sensitive to cold or hot air which can trigger headaches & also sleeping in certain positions for too long is a trigger. If any of these triggers sounds familiar, I could really use some feedback. Thank You.

14-03-16, 21:28
Have you been to see a dentist? I had a problem with my bite and it gave me headaches. I would never have put headaches down to a dental problem but it's worth checking out. Eye test as well if you haven't had one.

14-03-16, 21:53
Jawa joint problems or neck problems can both give you weird headaches and hypersensitive scalp and odd sensations. Good advice to see a dentist or an osteopath/chiropractor to rule these out.

On the up side if this has been going on for this long then whatever is causing it is not something life threaening.

14-03-16, 21:54
Hi Jem, yes I've had both checked. It's not dental or eyes.

15-03-16, 20:30
I think you can relax since your doctor assured you it's nothing serious. It doesn't seem to be. Are you a female? When I have my hair up for awhile, my scalp hurts so bad. Also when my hair is oily. Just a thought.

17-03-16, 21:29
Thank You for your responses

18-03-16, 00:45
Hey Violet,

Omg my jaw literally dropped when I read your post because I literally have the exact same head aches. I call them head pains though because they aren't usually constant but I can get a couple of them as the day goes on. When I lie down I start to get the head pains as well, but it stops as soon as I get up. I also notice if I slowly open and shut my mouth the pain stops! I've been to the eye doctor and everything is fine there but I do have problems with my jaw so I'm thinking it has something to do with that.