View Full Version : anyone had gallbladder pain very bad back pain very anxious. Heart attack worry but

14-03-16, 22:48
Hi there
Anyone had really bad gallbladder pain? I went for an ultrasound today and they couldnt find it because my colon was wrapped around it. Anyway I went to mums after fasting and had 2 weetabix 2 slices bread and jam and then I went into town and had coffee and chocolate cake then had soup and sandwich and a packet of crispswhen I got home and spent 2 hours shouting at energy companies over the phone. I had my tea, a tin of beans and sausages and then straight afterwards I have had this awful pain started at 830 I took 4 teaspoons of gaviscon and 1 cocodamol I decided to walk to my parents 2 miles away if I was having a heart attack would I be able to do that. 1 mile at least up hill and I had a cup of tea as I was really anxious and it helped to talk to them I had a mild attack for 10 minutes there. The pain is over my gallbladder and going into the centre of my back. Spasmodic. But feeling really anxious I am wondering if the scan today set it off but maybe what I ate did it.

Catherine S
15-03-16, 00:40
Hiya, my thoughts are that you've probably put too much into your stomach today is all, and the fact that you have Gaviscon already at your home means maybe you have digestive problems regularly? The medics don't seem too worried re the scan, so it doesn't look likely you have anything serious going on. I can also feel pain through to my back when I get indigestion or acid reflux symptoms. Hope that helps.


15-03-16, 09:43
I have gallstones and have had this for 30 years. I had 2 or 3 gallbladder attacks before I worked out what was causing them and since I removed any pastry/cream or melted cheese from my diet and also caffeinated coffee I have never been bothered since.

For me the gallbladder attack pain is from under the right rib up into the right shoulderblade with lots of burping and if I breathed out and gently pressed my fingers under my right rib it would be very very painful ( I did this laying flat). The attack of pain would always start late evening and would last for around 6 hours. It is extremely painful at the time.

You certainly had an awful lot to eat by your post and that in itself could have triggered any gastric issue you may have that is not connected to your gallbladder.

Can you keep a food diary for a few weeks and see if any foods seem to trigger the pain later that day?

I was told that if a gallstone has temporarily blocked a bile duct then the next day your poo will be very pale like oatmeal colour but then return to normal. If you get pain that is continual and dark urine/pale poo then do seek medical help in the context of gallstones.