View Full Version : constant fear for health so sick of it!!! cant do it no more

14-03-16, 22:58
does any else constantly worry about their health all the time....
i have the catch 22 problem where im constantly worried something is seriously wrong with me yet at the same time my worst nightmare is hospitals or doctors...

its literally horrific i want to go to the doctors to find out if the symptoms are anything to be worried about yet im literally petrified that they will confirm my fears that something awful is wrong with me..... its such a terrible place to be in right now :(

14-03-16, 23:02
I think most here are worried about their health everyday.

14-03-16, 23:05
yeah i no but alot of people will go to get their symptoms checked out weather that for them is reassarance or not... i cant even bring myself to go to the gp

14-03-16, 23:10
Yeah. What symptoms are you having? If you don't mind me asking