View Full Version : How many days or weeks or months have you went without googling?

15-03-16, 01:10
Like the title says. I wanted to make a thread to see how long people have went without googling or webmd. I feel like most people here have issues with this and I think it causes and makes anxiety that much worse.

We could keep this thread going.

I will start and I have went over 2 weeks now without googling or webmd. And I don't plan on doing it anymore because it just is a spiral effect and makes me worse in the end.

So 2 weeks here so far hoping to go much longer...

15-03-16, 01:45
I had gone about two weeks too but broke down and googled today. :/ Thankfully I didn't really find anything sinister.

I've found I have a problem even when I don't google sometimes...like something will happen and I'll think "oh, that's BAD" but I don't google it so I don't fear something specific, just the symptom itself and what I imagine it could be. Not sure if that's better.

15-03-16, 01:59
Idk but I feel if I google I Am just feeding the anxiety.

15-03-16, 09:20
I dont actually google at all. Only because Im genuinly scared of it. If I google I just see the worst and trigger the anxiety every time!!

If I think I have to ask a genuine question about a real problem I allow myself the NHS website... other than that I come and search here. Which actually can be just as much a trigger because someone else has already always found the worst case scenario for my symptoms anyway... I have learned about so many illnesses from fellow HA sufferers.

Wouldn't it be nice not to need reassurance all the time!

Skkyee x

15-03-16, 10:24
I've been doing really well without Google. I've been using this site more though much to annoyance of some members.

15-03-16, 15:07
I can go a week then if something is really bothering me i google :ohmy:

Catherine S
15-03-16, 15:32
As time's gone on and I've become less anxious and less fearful, I can Google almost anything these days without it being scary. But of course, being less fearful means I don't feel the need to Google symptoms so much, and now I mostly Google about what's best to eat for a poor digestion and what vitamins can help me etc.


15-03-16, 15:43
Done much better lately than I was a couple of years ago. It is much easier to not to Google when I don't have access to the Internet like on holiday. It would have cost me (well my parents) a lot to use the Internet on the cruise

15-03-16, 16:42
I've googled nearly every day in the run up to appointments and scans at the hospital. I don't know what i'm looking for. it only makes me worse. I'm hoping CBT can help me come to terms with my problems.

15-03-16, 17:06
I used to google constantly and scare the crap out of myself ... googling actually led to me finding this website ironically enough. But in recent years I have definitely googled MUCH less - especially since being on medication.

15-03-16, 17:10
Yeah I found this website too by googling. But I'm tired of feeling like this so I stopped googling any symptoms.

15-03-16, 17:11
Honestly it never helped me feel better! Not once!

15-03-16, 17:27
Honestly it never helped me feel better! Not once!

I agree. It lead me into this spiral and even costed me $3400 for a ER Bill out of my pocket and not counting what my next doctor visit cost me Tomm.

15-03-16, 17:57
Swgrl09, Meds have really helped you? I have a feeling I might be going down that road soon, if all the medical tests comeback OK.

15-03-16, 18:03
Yeah, I have done therapy too and made some lifestyle changes (yoga, meditation) but honestly I needed to be on the med to give me the boost and take the edge off enough to make those changes. I take lexapro (escitalopram).

15-03-16, 18:59
The longest I have managed in 14 years of HA is 15 months, from late summer 2014 till Xmas last year. That was a real achievement for me and I did feel so much better without it.Have slipped recently but currently coming up for three weeks Google free!

15-03-16, 19:16
I've gone athrough least a year without Googling symptoms and it makes such a huge difference. I still worry, but I don't really obsess anymore. I move on from worries a lot faster because I'm not feeding the fear. I've been tempted a few times but for the most part I just come here now and search for whatever is bothering me. The pages of totally benign causes are enough to keep me calm until either the symptom goes away or I can get to a doctor.

16-03-16, 00:40
It's cool to hear everyone stories. I truly think googling just feeds the anxiety.

16-03-16, 01:04
I truly think googling just feeds the anxiety.

Nahhhh Ya Think? :winks:

Positive thoughts

16-03-16, 01:09
Nahhhh Ya Think? :winks:

Positive thoughts

Lol. That's why it's been over 2 weeks for me.

16-03-16, 01:45
I utilize Google every day for a variety of things from recipes to spelling to things I'm interested in buying, work etc. It's a wonderful tool when used correctly.

I can't imagine having to avoid it due to a lack of self control....

16-03-16, 01:55
I utilize Google every day for a variety of things from recipes to spelling to things I'm interested in buying, work etc. It's a wonderful tool when used correctly.

I can't imagine having to avoid it due to a lack of self control....

I don't avoid it. I mean I have used it for other things. I was meaning towards health symptoms mainly. I don't mean for stuff for everyday life.

16-03-16, 03:06
I don't avoid it. I mean I have used it for other things. I was meaning towards health symptoms mainly. I don't mean for stuff for everyday life.

But apparently, and with all due respect, not quite achieving your goals ;)

Positive thoughts

16-03-16, 03:34
I don't think I could ever live without google but I can live without googling health stuff. :)

16-03-16, 04:45
I don't think I could ever live without google but I can live without googling health stuff. :)

Avoidance reinforces or creates new fears. Any therapist will say that. Healthy adaptive behaviours are what are needed instead.

Initially avoidance helps cut down the triggering so therapist often told people to withdraw from Google, forums like this, etc but they know that they do it remove a big trigger initially to then use graduated expose methods like ERP to get you face your fears in a more controlled way.

There is NOTHING wrong with using Google. There is NOTHING wrong with using it for health information as long as you can interpret the results the right way. HA people struggle with this part and their Cognitive Distortions mean they zoom in on the worst, jump to conclusions, forget or ignore proof to the contrary, etc.

I don't have HA issues, I can use Google to look up health information and frequently do. I see my symptoms pointing to something common and all the deadly things and my mind just says 'whatever' and looks towards the common harmless things, the treatable things.

Is recovery about never being able to do what I can do? No. You want to be able to control your mind so you can choose to do what you want to. This applies to all anxiety disorders and you could easily say that avoiding Google forever is like an agoraphobic avoiding a supermarket forever. But anxiety grows and other triggers will become apparent e.g. the news, papers, friends talking about someone's mystery or terminal illness...we see them all the time on here. I sometimes see people leave forums like this stating they are recovered but see these places as triggering. With respect to them for their hard work, that's not recovery - that's avoidance and they may find the news, those newspapers, friends talking, etc all do it too.

16-03-16, 10:16
1: Using Google for everyday stuff - about 2 minutes :D

2: Using the GoogleGun (Copyright: Fishmanpa!) to shoot myself and look up symptoms - almost 8 weeks, more or less since the first week I joined this forum :)

16-03-16, 17:21
1: Using Google for everyday stuff - about 2 minutes :D

2: Using the GoogleGun (Copyright: Fishmanpa!) to shoot myself and look up symptoms - almost 8 weeks, more or less since the first week I joined this forum :)

Thanks for the shout out On "GoogleGun" ~lol~ Many come here instead of Googling but that can be equally as bad in that what you may be reading came from Dr Google anyway! Also, reading about other's fears often turn them into your fears. How many times have you seen trends on the boards? Nodes, ______ (fill in the blank) Cancer etc... remember all the ebola and ALS threads when it was in the news?

Positive thoughts