View Full Version : Am I over reacting?

03-03-07, 19:19
On second thoughts don't answer that one:biggrin:

Right quick recap. I had ear pains and 'sinus' pain all last year, dr thought I had chronic sinusitis, bad thing to tell me as I went and read up on it and read some very scary things such as risks of meningitis and brain absesses, ekkkkkkkkkkk:eek: Anyway my dr refered me to an ENT specialist but there was a 3 month wait so my hubby sent me to Bupa and I was seen that day and had a ct scan 2 nights later. Scan was clear, specialist said it was the most perfect sinus scan he had ever seen, lol! so he said pain in face and ear that felt like sinus must of been from stress or neuralgia pain. I continued to have the pains on and off until end of Decemeber, had scan in October.

Anyway I started with a cold about 4 weeks ago, it went after a week then I felt well again but a week later the cold hit me again and I then had face pain and awful headaches, saw a dr who said it was just viral and to take sudafed but by the weekend I was even worse, then was given anti bs (aomoxicillin 500mg for a week) i felt loads better within 3 days but since then ive had pressure down my left ear and ear pain. I saw a dr wednesday because I fly to paris in a few days so thought id best get it checked out and dr said my ears are fine, nothing at all wrong, no inflamation. Not my usual GP but he said maybe because ive had sinus infection its related to air pressure nad I could fly. THat was that, I was eager to get away from there to be honest so didn't ask anything else.

I am worrying now that after having 'proper' sinusitis that ive now developed chronic sinusitis because ive ear pressure (in left ear) abit of pressure in left nostril and clear nasal discharge, all symptoms of chronic but surely its too soon to call it chronic and also the dr on wednesday said my ear was fine. My ear is sooooo much more full and painful today, it feels full down the tube from ear to throat (begins with E, lol) dr said that was 'normal'

Does anyone else get this? am i over reacting?:wink:

03-03-07, 19:28
Have you tried one of those steam inhalers - they are very good.

03-03-07, 19:41
I steam everyday but the manual way, lol! Also have shower on hot before I go in.

Thanks Nic

03-03-07, 19:47
I had sinus pressure not long ago and went to the docs and he wasn't very helpful.

I also have to keep popping my ears!

He just said use the steam inhalation with some oil in it and it should clear up.

There are some other posts on here about sinus problems - have a quick search using the search facility - some of them may help more than I am lol.

03-03-07, 20:17
Thanks so much, its just pressure in left ear mainly, very strange.

03-03-07, 20:24
Hiya Cherry.its way too soon to say its Chronic sinusitis,the doc said your ears where fine and they can see if their is fluid behind the eardrum (in the eustachian tube)etc by looking in your as your ear drum would have been slightly retracted and he said they were fine and he would have been able to see if they wasnt.
I think its pretty normal to get facial pain and earpain after you've had sinusitis,i had chronic sinustis for a year before they said it was Chronic.I mean when you thinkabout it if you have anything you dont feel great straight way do ya?Even after things like a Migraine most people dont feel great for a day or 2 after.
After my op for Sinusitis the ENT Doctor did say that it prob wouldnt get rid of the facial pain and congestion i get.I thinkalot of thing we dont perseve as normal are!!
For instance i get a lot of congsetion when i lay down and first thing in the morning,well so do my OH.Sis,Brother and other peeps i've asked.The same with ear pain,i've asked around and most people i know have ear pain and feel bunged up with a coldor just after.
Keep on with the steaming and maybe take decongsetents if that makes you feel better,but try to trust ya doc cos he would have said if he suspected a poblem especially as you told him you wre gonna be flying.
Relax and enjoy your holiday

03-03-07, 20:26
I forgotto say i pop my ears fequently as well.

03-03-07, 22:19
Thank you Dan, very reassuing.

So how did you know you had chronic sinusitis?

Would you say its nothing to worry about and ignore it? im really letting it wind me up and make me anxious.

03-03-07, 22:59

If the pain doesnt subside, it might be worth going to the dentist... could be an exposed nerve within a tooth. Everything is quite closely connected in that part of the body!

Hope u feel better soon honey

izzy xx

04-03-07, 06:53
Thnk you, I saw my dentist last week and im fine.

04-03-07, 08:13

Sorry you're feeling no better, but I'm sure it'll go away soon. I think the stress of going away doesn't help - even when it's something nice and you're looking forward to it, there's all the stress of getting packed, getting there, and worrying about not being ill while you're away.

I sent you a link over for the ear candles and ear drops, which you might want to try when you get back. I can tell you how to do the ear candles yourself - although you'll need someone with you to make sure you extinguish them when you should, keep the candle upright and check you have a vacuum. And not set yourself or your bed on fire lol!

If you're still concerned tomorrow, could you see your GP or practice nurse before you go? I think you need to get an opinion you trust to feel reassured, and I don't think the doc you saw last week quite did that for you!

Sorry can't be more help, but you know where I am if you want to chat.


04-03-07, 17:31
Hya Cherry when i had chronic sinusitis I had lots of facial pain,congestion,Felt flu like with painful ears etc.The docs kept puting me on Anti biotics then sent me for a CT sinus scan and thats when they found out i had chronic sinusitis.Alot of my problem though was that my sinus openings wer small and i also had a deviated septum and other bits and peices,and i wouldnt worry that you've got any of them cos i know you had a scan and you were fine they would have shown up on that!!
Although Chronic sinusitis wasnt pleasent and it really dragged me down cos i had it for so long i dont think its anything to worry about at all.
I dont think you should be worrying about it hun,Sinustits i dont feel is anything Major just not very nice and my sis had it not too long ago and shes still feeling like you so i think what you are feeling is pretty normal.
Bigs hugs
relax and enjoy Paris

04-03-07, 20:04
Thanks Car, I shall text you in a little while.

Thanks Danuella,

Yes my CT scan was clear, he said perfect scan, lol! I am just concerned that the CT scan wouldn't of checked my ears, its the tube from ear to throat thats giving me the jip.

I read on sites a couple of years ago that chronic sinusitis can lead to lots of nasty things one being meningitis which is a HUGE fear of mine. My dr and ENT specialist did their best to reassure me that its extremely rare, the ENT specialist said he had never had a case of it, he said its more likely to occur with ear problems so of course im getting all this ear pressure and pain so im thinking about what he said to me:-(

I am in such a vicious circle. I want to see my GP tomorrow but im scared what they will say because I went there only wednesday and 2 weeks before that I saw a dr twice and in the end went upto the out of hours GP at hospital and got anti bs for my sinuses but I was genuinly ill but they won't believe that:-(

I am so worried about flying aswell, I also do not want to ruin my family holiday with this worry hanging over me.
Thankk you for your reply, I really do appreciate you support.