View Full Version : H.Plyori symptoms

15-03-16, 09:10
hi ive been told I have this bacteria just going to doctors to get antibiotics

will this explain my chronic heartburn, indigestion belly popping and banging etc

basically I feel fine until I use my stomach then I feel awful

ive had a camera down there and everything came back normal apart from small hernia not even any throat damage ie GERD

anyone else had it?

15-03-16, 10:27
Yes about 12 years ago, had the 2x antibiotics and omeprazole and haven't had a reoccurrence. I've had stomach issues for years and this was picked up on a blood test. Many people have helicobacter pylori with no symptoms.

Good to get it treated as it can lead to ulcers.


15-03-16, 10:33
did you have gastro symptoms like me Lesley? as usual like you say they reckon 85% of people don't know its there but these are the same websites that reckon loads of drugs don't have side effects...yeah right

15-03-16, 13:18
I just finished up treatment about a month ago. My appetite has came back and my stomach issues have decreased a lot! I lost 15lbs within 2 weeks from not being able to eat much of anything. Be sure to get a probiotic to take to help with the effects of the antibiotics!