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View Full Version : Woken up with numb hand and lasting pins and needles :-(

15-03-16, 09:39
Been up now for 2 hours. I woke with a numb hand and when the feeling came back it left me with pins and needles... I have it in both hands, only just detectable in one hand but quite strong across 4 fingers in my left.


Waking up with a dead arm i can cope with, this happens occasionally if I sleep resting on it. But pins and needles for 2 hours I'm not enjoying :-(

Any thoughts?


Skkyee x

15-03-16, 09:46
The longer you have slept on an arm or arms ( I can get this when sleeping on my back in both arms) then the longer it takes for the residual tingling to go away.

If it becomes worse or does not go by end of day then it would be sensible to see a Dr. Any neck problem can also cause this as well so does not have to sign of impending nasty!

15-03-16, 11:03
Maybe I squished a nerve a bit or something... I think its fading, certainly not getting worse.

Really dislike this feeling of constant body awareness. Its exhausting.