View Full Version : Feels like I have a baby in my stomach!

15-03-16, 10:37
I've had children & I'm not pregnant but there's something going on with my bowel just now, very gassy, pain in lower right side, But I keep feeling like there's a baby moving or kicking inside me!!!

I'm petrified that I'm riddled with cancer in my bowel or stomach.

15-03-16, 10:41
Its gas honest! I am 54 yrs old and post meno but I rarely have a day where I don't feel as if at some point either a baby is kicking or someone is blowing bubbles though a straw into my abdomen:) I have had this for very very many years and its just gas and irritable bowel with me as I have had a few cameras where the sun don't shine!

Cut down on the gassy food for a few days and reduce yoru fibre intake if you aren't constipated and see what happens.

Obvously if you get severe pain and big change in bowel habit then off to the Dr but you might find after a good old fxxt things improve:whistles:

15-03-16, 10:45
Thanks luv! It's just so bizarre. I will do as you said & see if it changes. I've had the cameras top & bottom too but that was 5 years ago.

15-03-16, 14:19
You can be reassured if everything was okay 5 years ago when you had the cameras. I was told that bowel polyps take 10 years to turn cancerous so if you were polyp free 5 years ago then thats great. Obviously as you know any big change of habit needs looking at again but hopefully a big fxxxt will help nicely:)

15-03-16, 18:56
I had a lot of strange tummy sensations recently. Popping, gurgling, butterflies (like early pregnancy). I have found that Yakult every morning and eating smaller, more regular meals has helped.