View Full Version : Fear of going blind

help me 21
15-03-16, 13:07
Hi all Iv had bad anxiety and depersonalisation for years. I have mgd which has scared me so bad 😢! I just wish my eyes was ok and the not feeling real. It's making me really bad! My anxiety is sky high Carnt eat Carnt move out of bed in bed bound because of the consent worry! I went opticians last Aug and they said glands was ok and clear but I'm just worrying over it now. Headache Iv got cuz the none stop worrying

15-03-16, 13:14
I think we all have that fear because our sight is everything and yet people with anxiety will worry more about it .

I think the best thing for you to do is to get up out of bed have a nice shower get dressed and go downstairs and make yourself a nice meal or snack with a cup of tea or coffee.

Open the window or door and take in some fresh air then listen or watch your favourite program or listen to your favourite music .

I was exactly like you back in January 2015 my son left home after an argument and i was suffering extreme anxiety and stress which led to a breakdown . I was in bed with the flu and bronchitis also and didn't get out of the house for a month , but when i was over the flu i knew i had to get up and start living again because i wasn't going to spend my life in a bedroom .

It's the only way to get out of the rut believe me , you just need to have some courage and get out of bed and try what i did , it works it really does .

help me 21
15-03-16, 13:29
I'm just so scared my anxiety is really bad

15-03-16, 14:16
Is laying in bed constantly worrying actually helping you feel better? I am not being sarcastic here just trying to get you to see how what you are doing is making everything worse.

If you are obsessing over your eyes then go and get an eye examination so you know absolutely that you have nothing to worry about. If you can't believe the results of eye exam then make Drs apt and explain how bad you are as it does sound as if you need medical attention for your anxiety rather than just some reassurance.

We all understand how awful the anxiety your feeling is as we have all been there at some time but you do need to do something to try and help yourself cope.

15-03-16, 14:54
I'm just so scared my anxiety is really bad

I know and believe me i have been there , but lying in bed is very unhealthy you are better to get up and walk around get your circulation going and having something nice to eat will make you feel better .

There isn't anything we can do on here to force you out of bed the only one who can do this is YOU ! and when you have taken that first step you will be happy you did .

Try it .

help me 21
15-03-16, 15:20
I'm going back to the opticians 2moro thanks all